Chapter 9

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Tshidi got to Tumi's place and found that she had prepared Tshego for her. "Hey sis" she said, walking in. "Hey". Tumi replied. "How are things at home? " she asked her with concern.

"uhg". She sighed. "I don't know Tumz....He says he forgives me. She said with a weak closed mouth smile as she shook her head.
Tumi looked at her in a weird way.
"Are you sure?, I mean" ... She chuckles... I didn't expect that" she said.

"I honestly don't know what to think at this point because it just feels as if I have completely lost him. Tumz, he has zero interest in me. I mean after he said he'd forgive me, I tried to give him a hug and he said no. Like seriously, no. Yoh, I'm still in shock" She laughed.

"so, where to from here?" Tumi asked. "well, I guess I'll have to let him take the lead. If he has indeed forgiven me, his actions will show and if he hasn't I'll just have to live with it until he heals. Tshidi answered.
Tshego was ready to go at this point, so they said their goodbyes and she was on her way back home

When she got there Tiego had left.

It was now 15:30 on a Saturday afternoon and Tshiamo was working on her new project at work. Tirelessly wanting to make sure that everything would go smoothly all the way.

As soon as she was done with all her current reports, she switched her laptop off, packed up her things and left the office to go back home. She wasn't keep though because things between her and her Motheo were now on a pretentious note. I guess she was just waiting for something disappointing to happen, so she just started bracing herself.

When she got home, Motheo wasn't there so she took off her shoes, poured a glass of wine, took her favorite book and sat on the porche to read.

Motheo had gone to see his mother. He seldomly visits, but this time he actually missed her. He knocked on the door. "mama!" He called out. She was hanging some laundry on the clothing line in the back yard.

She was talking to her neighbor when Motheo walked in, hearing that the Molepo family will be having a celebration.

He cleared his throat and the two ladies turned to look at him
"Goodness, Motheo. Hey my boy!" she said with a big smile as she jumped up to give him a hug. "How are you?"

"Uhg, I'm good mom, I just wanted to come see how you are doing. He said to her.
"This is a lovely surprise".
Tge lady next door greeted Motheo, said goodbye and went back into her house.

"How's My daughter in law doing and when am I getting grand kids?" His mother asked teasingly. She was very glad to see him. She was done so they walked in the house to sit in the lounge.

"Hopefully soon" his mood changed and she was it.
"What's wrong?" she asked. He sighed. "When I walked in, you were talking about the Molapo's. What's going on?" He asked.

Motheo, I thought you had moved passed this, when are you going to let this go huh? She asked him. She was irritated because this is what they always fight about when he comes home. He ends up getting angry and spends weeks without talking to her.

"Mama, thus man needs to pay. He can't just live lavish as if he's all perfect and we....he didn't finish.
"We are fine!" she spat "You are way too obsessed with that man and I told you, it's no use because what you think is not the truth my boy, he is NOT you father! She was now shouting.

"I am telling you, if you don't let this go it'll end up killing you." she said. "Here you are now dragging Tiego through things that have nothing to do with him. Making the poor boy suffer for something he has never done!. He is your best friend. The one friend that stuck by you through everything and you want to ruin his life to prove a point. To who?! And for what?!. She continued.

He looked at her not knowing what to say. Things weren't going as he thought they would.
"Your sister told me everything. I called Tshidi and she confirmed it.
"Motheo Tlhabane, you are going to fix this mess that you have put these poor people in and your going to do it now before you go to jail or die trying to hurt someone who has no idea about all this!. She said as she went to drink some water in the kitchen.

Motheo followed her. "Mama, what do you mean he has no idea?" He asked. She looked back at him. "Let's go and sit down" she said to him.
They went back into the lounge.

"My child. Do you know how much it pains me to fight with you over this everytime you come home?. I honestly wish that things weren't like this". She said.

"Mom, I just need the truth..... Please" He felt lost.

"OK. Before you were born, I was not in a committed relationship youu know. I had a few flings here and there and then I met Molefe Tlhabane (the man who he believed was his step father). Him and I had an on and off relationship before we got married.

David was someone close to my brother and him and I had a fling while I was with Molefe. His wife and I fell pregnant at around the same time. My brother kept on saying that it was him who got me pregnant and I said it's Molefe because I knew and when they faught over it, it just caused a bad rift between our families because they were very close". She sighed.

"Anyway, fast forward, you were born 2 months before Tiego and Molefe was there. He was a proud father. We got married a while after you were born. Motheo, David and I never spoke about you at all. Even when you started being with Tiego. We never had an issue with it because there's nothing wrong with it. She continued.

"That day, when you heard Molefe saying that you're not his son and that I should ask David to support you was just him being absurd. He always used it to get his way. But on that day I had had enough. And I'm sorry that he took it out on you. She said.

"Mama, I'm still finding it hard to believe this because for some reason I just can't understand why he would make it up. He said to her.
" There's absolutely no reason for him to make this up! He snapped.
He was angry again.

"Listen to me, if you think that you need to get closure for you to move past this, let's ask Molefe for a DNA test. His mother said. He took a deep breath. He was afraid of finding out the truth he doesn't know. At the same time, he wanted to hurt David for some reason and he couldn't say why.

Sometimes the truth is a hard pill to swallow.

Happy reading.....😊

#NB....The information in this book is not 100% accurate as we all know that fiction is not entirely real. This goes for the names of the characters and other things in the book that you may encounter or consider to be coincidental. ©2022.Carol P Mogapi. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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