Chapter 5

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5:30 Am. Tshiamo's alarm went off. She woke up and drove to the gym.
This woman loves keeping fit and healthy.

She clocked in using her access card and got started with her workout.
About an hour in she got a call from her husband and chose to ignore it.

She took a shower at the gym, worked on her make up and then headed to work.

She was exceptional at what she did and the company couldn't function in her absence. She is the national head of the finance department for the company and is responsible for ensuring that the clients are happy when they invest. She travels on work related trips every now and then.

The day went by faster than she thought and she wasn't looking forward to going home. But hey, she had to face him.

The drive home was a breeze because traffic wasn't as bad. She got home, changed her clothes and started making dinner for them. Motheo and Tshiamo had no kids, not that they did not try but tshiamo chose to work on her career first and then maybe consider having children at a later stage.

Motheo on the other hand wanted children, he felt that he wanted an heir for the legacy he intends on having.

"Hey baby" Motheo said to Tshiamo as he walked in.

"Hi" she gave him a closed mouth smile, totally fake.

"Did you have a good day?, you left without a word this morning.
I also did not like how last night ended". He said

" My day was fine, like any other". She ignored the other things he said.

He stood there looking at her to say more, but she wouldn't budge. She was tired of fighting with this man over other women and now that she is his wife, it'll be harder to leave. Thankfully they signed a prenuptial marriage contract, Motheo tried to protest but she stood her ground.

Tshiamo continued cooking. When the food was ready, she dished up for the both of them and they had a quiet dinner.

She cleared and cleaned up in the kitchen after dinner and continued with other things she had to do before going to bed. She freshed up and went to sleep.

Motheo walked through their bedroom door after having a smoke to calm down as he was growing more annoyed with her silent treatment.

"Tshiamo, clearly something is eating you up. Spit it out." He said looking at her

"It's nothing, I just want to rest". She said.

"Bullshit!" He snapped

"What do you want from me?! Huh?. You know what?!.... I'm done caring about who you fuck behind my back". She said angrily

He looked at her, sighed and no words came out. Cat got his tongue alright.

" You really think that I can't tell, even now?. After all this time?" she asked.

"listen, do whatever the fuck you want. Just make sure you're being safe about it because both of us know that you won't stop". She finished.

He still couldn't speak. He cared about her, but not the way she would have preferred.

She turned off the lamp on her side and closed her eyes to sleep. Tshiamo was starting to wonder if she made a mistake by marriage him.

"Goodnight", he lowly said and she just ignored him, facing the opposite direction.


In The WC, Tiego was having a hard time trying to make sense of what Tshidi was trying to say to him.

Just then, Tshego knocked on the door saying that there was someone at the gate and they all went to check.

It was one of Tshidi's friends, Nelly, and Tiego used this as an opportunity to get some work done so he went to his office.

Tshidi was sitting in the lounge with her friend, having a conversation when they got to talking about Tshego. Tshidi confided in this friend of hers. She knew all there was to know about Tshidi, they were are close.

As they sat down, she blurtted out...
"He got married, friend". She said in a sad tone. "And here I am, raising his child with his best friend.
I'm a joke aren't I?....he promised that this wouldn't take long and now he's made another woman his wife".

"Do you want to know what the worse part is, Tiego found me and Duke fucking on our bed. She rolled her eyes.
How do I make that right?" she said.

"Chomi, Tiego is a good man, you know that he doesn't deserve any of this". She continued.

"Chomi, you need to come clean to the poor guy, one way or the other". Nelly said and that's when he walked in.

"Come clean about what?"... Tiego asked as he walked in on their conversation.

Tshidi felt chills at the sound of his voice. She turned around. The two ladies were startled when they heard him.

"What's going on Matshidiso?" He asked her.

When he called her using her full name, she knew that shit was about to hit the fan. The man was pissed and he wasn't going to let it go until she tells him everything.

"Baby, we need to have a serious talk" ...Tshidi said.

"But can we please wait till Tumi comes to fetch Tshego tomorrow?"

Tumi is her sister. She also lives in the WC and helped Tshidi get a job there.
When she and Tiego got married, she moved due to the job and he got a transfer and they began their life.

" I don't want her to witness us fighting". She finished.

"Fine"... He walked away.


The story continues....

Happy reading 😊

#NB....The information in this book is not 100% accurate as we all know that fiction is not entirely real. This goes for the names of the characters and other things in the book that you may encounter or consider to be coincidental. ©2022.Carol P Mogapi. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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