Chapter 8

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Motheo's flight landed and he drove straight home. He found that Tshiamo  wasn't home yet and went to take a shower. Once he was done he decided to check his phone and there was no call from his wife. He laid on the bed waiting for her. It was now 10:00pm.

He heard the front door open abit later and rushed down stairs. "Where have you been"? He asked Tshiamo harshly.
"I was at work" she answered. She gave him a confused look, wondering why he used that tone on her.

"It's 10:30, since when do you come home this late?....You knew I was coming back didn't you?"

"Motheo, I was at work. Sure I lost track of time but why is it a big deal?" she asked him.

"no wife of mine will come home this late do you hear me"!! Motheo was now shouting at her.

Tshiamo just took a deep breath and walked past him, just as she was about to go up the stairs he grabbed her by the arm.

"Did you hear what I just said to you"?
He asked her angrily.

"yes, now please let me go"! She pulled her arm back and walked up stairs.

Motheo stood there fuming.
He started feeling like a fool because his outburst just came out of nowhere. He was insecure when it came to this particular woman, she was too perfect for him.
He couldn't understand why he thought so highly of her. At the same time, he just didn't have the right intentions towards her. She was too good to be with someone either than him.

He got a grip and decided his outburst was ridiculous. He went to join her in bed quietly.

Tiego woke up at 6:30am on a Saturday morning and just decided to relax a bit in his "new bedroom" as he had officially moved out of the main bedroom.

He switched on his laptop and went over the recordings of the conversation that Tshidi and Motheo were having.
And as much as he wanted to just bust the both of them and just deal with this sham of a marriage as well as the insanity behind his best friend's actions. Something in him told him to play it all smart.

Let the games begin, he thought to himself.

Tshidi woke up a while after he did and knocked on his door. She waited for his reply from the other side.

"yeah." he answered and she walked in. He looked up at her, shirtless on the bed and the blanket just covering a portion of his lower body. Damn, she might have just forgotten how sexy that man is.

"what's up?" he asked her. She was now staring in fact gawking at him.
She felt some form of heat coming over her.
Taking a deep breath she answered "Hey"

"Hi" Tiego realized what he's doing to her now and just wanted to toy with her, only to leave her high and dry.
She wasn't the same in his eyes, especially because she's having an affair with his best friend. He just decided he's done.

"uhhm, I hope you slept well" she said. trying to make small talk was just awkward.
"yeah, pretty good.... Was there something you wanted to say?" he asked her.

"yes. I'm going to fetch Tshego and I was wondering since you said you wanted to talk, we could do that... Now. If that's okay with you" she finished.

It has been a long two weeks of silence between the both of them and tshidi couldn't handle it. Tiego wasn't even having dinner at home anymore. It was as if he was just renting.

One thing she did notice was that he was spending a lot of time at the gym and guessed that could be somewhat of a coping or healing mechanism for him and it was.

He was starting to think logically. Not that he wasn't hurt, he was on a mission. He wanted to deal with all of this in a way that will work best for him. For the first time, he was putting himself first. No more Mr nice guy.

"Uhm, okay, I don't know what it is that you want me to say to you but you're more than welcome to talk". He said, looking at her. He was now sitting against the headboard, leaning on one of the big pillows. Looking like he was posing.

"well, I don't know where to start but I know that things have changed between us and these past weeks have been worse." she said.
Waiting for some sort of reaction and got nothing so she continued.

"Tiego, I don't like not being able to talk to you or let alone have dinner with you. It's like you don't even live here anymore" she said looking at him.

Still nothing.

"please talk to me."


"I'm so sorry for what I did to you. I know it was just low of me to bring another person to our house, in our bed no less". She was now getting more and more nervous.


He was staring at her as if she hadn't said a word. At this moment, his feelings for her had died.

"Would you please forgive me?" she asked him

"okay" he replied.

She stood there in confusion, trying to understand what just happened.
Wasn't he supposed to retaliate? Wasn't he supposed to lash out and just cuss her out?. This was definitely weird but she composed herself.

"Thank you" she said walking towards him and tried to hug him.

"Hey.... No" He raised his hands to stop her from coming near him. His eyes were cold.
She stepped back. "I'm sorry". She said and he just looked at her.

She felt it.... Rejection.

"okay, uhm... I'll be leaving in a few minutes" she said abit shaky.
She was hurt.

"Alright" he said.... Thats all he said. He turned back to his laptop and continued with whatever he was doing.

Change is enavitable and in this journey of life, we sometimes have to learn the hard way to accept it.

Happy reading... 😊

#NB....The information in this book is not 100% accurate as we all know that fiction is not entirely real. This goes for the names of the characters and other things in the book that you may encounter or consider to be coincidental. ©2022.Carol P Mogapi. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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