Vampair Ending

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(y/n) pov:

I then saw a portal like the one before since last time I went into one. I wasn't sure if I should but now... I don't feel like I belong here anymore and had nowhere else to go. I think I mind as well go. I slowly walked to the portal. I looked through and saw the vortex I always seen. I looked behind me.

(y/n): goodbye cruel world

I then went in, and the portal closed behind me. I have sealed my fate now with wherever I'll go now.

I fell on too some rug. I saw I was in that castle where I killed Missi. I remembered what I did and what she was doing to me. I look over to see the ash and clothes were still there. I saw that bat cane that she always had.

(y/n): I wonder if there's more to it

I came over and looked at it better. Before I touched it, I got a broom and sweep the mess away.

(y/n): well, that's done 

I came back to the cane and grabbed it. 

(y/n): what's this?

I then felt this new feeling of darkness, change, and... power.

No one pov:

(y/n) turned into a vampire from that cane. He turned dark and powerful. He was not much like himself anymore. He became the new master of the castle and everything inside of it. (y/n) would drink blood from people that were bad. He knew people wouldn't care much for them and it made him feel good to stop someone that was similar to the last woman who hurt him. He might never be the same again and maybe still wants to have someone with him to cure his loneliness but not be like how the former owners of the castle were. 

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