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(--In which there is no "real" story. Also, go look up what a kindle is if you don't know.

:) See you at the end of the story, loves!)

 It wasn't her fault. At least, she wasn't the catalyst in this scenario.

(Or, at least, she wasn't this time)

All Nene Yashiro had done was walk into the cafeteria with her food and Kindle.

Sure, maybe she had cast an embarrassed smile at the cute ravenette sitting at the table next to her. (At least she had her COVID mask on–her cheeks flooded with the tell-tale flush that came with the schoolgirl crush she was currently trapped in)

So she just sat down and started to read.

She glanced up to grab her water bottle when something caught her eye.

Honeyed amber eyes looked back at her.

Nene was frozen, caught between wanting to look away and wanting to hold his gaze.

Instead, her hands and mouth moved without her consent.

"You read on a Kindle too?" she asked, holding up the electronic device. Amane nodded slowly.

"Yeah." He held up his own. The case was covered in a pattern of feathers with his name scrawled across the front. "What're you reading?"

Nene's heart pounded. "The Walled City by Ryan, um, something."

Graudin! Her mind screamed at her. But the moment had passed, and it was too late.

"What are you reading?" she asked, trying to get a hold on her mental state.

"Hamlet," Amane smiled. Nene felt her heart get a little lighter. She could talk about this.

"Oh, is it good? I haven't read it, but I'm in the middle of The Tragedy of King Richard the Third," she said, trying not to let her words clump together.

"It's really good!" Amane shifted so he was fully facing her. "I'm excited to read Romeo and Juliet in English."

The class had learned, only a few days prior, that they would be reading the famous play. Nene had been excited when the teacher announced that, although they wouldn't be performing it, they would pick parts to read for. Nene was hoping for Juilet or Mercutio.

"I read it in 6th grade. It's an amazing book!"

PLAY. Her mind shouted back. IT'S A PLAY.

"Hey, what's on the cover of your kindle?" Amane's voice saved her from the mental hole she was currently drowning in.

"Birds," she said simply and held up the kindle. She gestured grandly to it, as if to say Tada! Pay attention to this and not my inability to talk normally to you!

"Mine just has feathers–I have a bird." As if she hadn't noticed the pattern. But she hadn't known about the bird. "And this is a sticker." Amane tapped the black writing of his name.

"It's a really pretty font," she said. Nene wasn't lying. The script curved along the kindle, making a beautiful name even prettier.

"Do you have any pets?"

"Two dogs," Nene said. She smiled–not an embarrassed one this time.


Nene turned around to face Aoi. Aoi just smiled and winked.

But when Nene turned around, Amane was back to reading.

And the one thing she regretted?

Nene wished she had asked the name of the bird. 


Then Nene went to the library to write down everything that had happened. She never did figure out what the bird was called. 🥲

So, yeah, this wasn't much of a story. Just me--ahem, NENE talking to her crush and getting really, really excited about it. Sorry. XD But at least it hasn't been a month since the last update, hmm? 

Anyone seen Assasination Classroom? I'm only the last three epidoes of the anime, but I got the first 5 books today. And I'm currently simping for Nagisa and Karma. (Karmagisa, anyone?) 

Also, for @molarloo:

Here's a picture so we can remember the time fondly

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Here's a picture so we can remember the time fondly. ;) 

Stay safe and healthy!

~~ Author-chan ~~

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