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A/N:               /[self-awareness . . .]                            Enjoy the story!

Powering up . . .

System update complete.

Systems coming online.

"Can you . . . can you hear me?"

System face recognition scanner activated.

Subject confirmed as Amane Yugi, 26. Currently employed at Yugi Wonder's Co [Where Robots Come Alive].

Activating verbal commands center.

"Hei god ettermiddag?"


"Oh dear," Amane frowned. "That sounded like . . . Egyptian? Norwegian? I should probably fix the language feature."

He fiddled with the pale teal box in front of him. "I think you're almost ready to be a complete A.I."

"I don't understand what you mean," The speaker hummed.

Amane flinched slightly before sighing, realizing it must have been a prank. "Stop messing with me, Kid. I know you're hacking this, so you and your pink-haired boyfriend can get outta here. If you wanna be helpful, you can bring me a coffee--one cream, five sugars."

(Whoever figures out what song that's from first gets a shoutout! <3)

Putting down the tweezers he had been using to fix a stray wire, Amane leaned back.

"Alright, the Kid's gone. You should--"

"01010101 01110000 01100100 01100001 01110100 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01101100 01100001 01101110 01100111 01110101 01100001 01100111 01100101 01110011," the box squealed in a voice higher than it should have been. Amane jumped.

"It works!"

"01010101 01110000 01100100 01100001 01110100 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01101100 01100001 01101110 01100111 01110101 01100001 01100111 01100101 01110011," the box repeated.

Amane bit his lip, his mind spinning. "My binary code is kinda rusty, but . . . 'Updating' . . . 'ladders'? 'Lamb'?"

"Languages update complete."


Amane sighed. "I'm going to hook you up to the internet so you can explore a little. Then, we can have a nice chat."

He flipped a switch, removing the code blocking the network and allowing the A.I. to roam freely.


I see everything.

The colors, the scenes, the languages, and the people.

Also, anime boys.

I don't believe there is a word strong enough for it, but . . . anime boys defy description.


Amane tapped on the tiny facial scanner, forcing the A.I. to return.

"Hey, you okay?" Amane asked.

"What was that?" the robotic voice squeaked out, remembering to use both the speaker and English.

"That was the internet." Amane smiled. "I'm--"

"Amane Yugi, 26 years old. Currently employed at Yugi Wonder's Co--Where Robots Come Alive--which is owned by you and your twin, Tsukasa. You enjoy posting pictures of you and Tsukasa driving to work, eating, and wearing lab coats and goggles, which contains irony, due to the fact that you work in Programming, more specifically looking into Theory of Mind, which--"

"Is the capacity to understand other people by ascribing mental states to them," Amane finished with the robot. "Actually, I'm looking into Self-Awareness now."

"I find it interesting that you are personally working on a new A.I. design," the robot (oddly enough) ignored him. "Since you failed out of Engineering and Design in 7th grade."

Amane's jaw dropped and he blushed. "It's been over ten years since that! I took a class in high school--"

"And you maintained an 85 in it, which is passing, but not--on average--high enough to continue on to a career in a field like engineering. Your brother has a Bachelor of Science for computer engineering, while you have a Bachelor's in general computer sciences and a graduate degree in programming."

"Wow." That was seriously impressive. How could a simple trip to the internet end in total knowledge of every part of his life? "Well, do you know why I'm currently working on A.I. development, maintenance, and building?"

"Well," the box hummed. "In literal terms, you are not currently working on the A.I. You are conversing with me. Though, still, I would like to see the A.I. you have conjured."

Amane blinked a few times in shock. "You . . . don't get it?"

"Excuse me?'

"You are the artificial intelligence."


The simple statement shocked me.

I believe it was René Descartes who said, "I think. Therefore I am."

Technology has no place in thinking, no such ability to think.

I'm thinking.

Therefore, I am as human as Amane Yugi.


Hi, everyone! :D

I'm working through all of my half-finished oneshots that I have, so that's some fun chaos. 🙃 I'm also trying to get back to being a VA on Scratch, so recording actually takes up a lot of time. XD

Also, I'm trying to watch The Day I Became A God, so if anyone's seen it, lemme know! :)

I definitely shouldn't be doing another part one/part two, but . . . yeah. XD I'll try to post the second part soon. :)

Stay safe and healthy!

~~ Author-chan ~~

(12/03/21 & 755 words)

/[cannot . . .]

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