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A/N: Another title cut short! This oneshot is actually called Out Of It. 

. . . Okay, so this is another weird oneshot. No, nothing lemon-y actually happens, but . . . light lime might be the best term. It's fine for y'all to read it (I'm looking at you, @Pearpaintbrush) but I just wanted to prepare you!

"Yashiro-san, it's a good thing you're here."

Nene stared at the teacher in front of her.

"Tsuchigomori-sensei? What are you doing in front of Hanako-kun's bathroom?" she asked. Tsuchigomori laughed.

"Waiting for you. No. 7 managed to get himself sick, so I need you to watch him for an hour or so."

"Is he in the infirmary?"

"Yes, but you need to know that he-- and she's gone," Tsuchigmori sighed, watching the girl scramble down the hallway. "She didn't even get to hear my warning."


"Hanako-kun?" Nene threw the door open. Her eyes landed on the only cot that had the curtains closed. "Hanako-kun?"

"Mhh-hmm?" The curtain responded. Nene raced to it and quickly pulled it open. Before she could do anything, a cold hand pulled her onto the cot and re-closed the curtains.

Nene looked at the ghost who was stationed over her. Hanako had one arm and one leg on either side of her, straddling the poor girl. Nene hummed in surprise.

Suddenly, Hanako leaned forward, bringing his face next to Nene's. Nene noticed how flushed Hanako was, his usually cold breaths turned even colder.

Wait, that's not right--

"You're so warm, Yashiro."

Hanako collapsed on top of his assistant, hugging her as tight as possible. Nene squeaked as Hanako buried his face in her neck.

Nene remembered something similar happening when she was sick-- her needing Hanako's cold body to hug. Now, she was the target of it.

"Hanako-kun, what--"

"Yashiro, have I told you you're preeeeeeetty?" Hanako asked. Nene blinked.

"Did you just slur?"

"Noooooo, why?"

Nene laughed quietly. "I did the same thing when I was sick. I wonder why--"

"Maybe we have the same siiiiiiiiiiickness!" Hanako exclaimed. Nene shivered at his cold touch.

"I don't know."

"Soooooo . . .'' Hanako paused. "Whadda we do nooooooww?"

"Well, c-can you get off of me?" Nene was blushing by now. Hanako had his arms wrapped around her, his face pressed into her neck.

"Hmm . . . nope."

Nene sighed.


"Because I loooooooove you."

Nene blushed harder.

He's out of it, so don't think this means anything!

"No, you don't, you're just sick."

"Yeeeeees, I do, I'll prove it to you!"

Before she could move, Hanako lifted his head from her neck and crashed his lips onto hers.

"H-Hanako--!" Nene's voice was muffled.

She attempted to push the sick ghost off of her, but he refused to move. Nene jumped slightly when Hanako deepened the kiss.

Nene's eyes widened when she felt cold hands pulling on her uniform. When the fabric wouldn't give, Nene felt the pair of hands slip inside her dress and rest on her waist.


"No.7, are--- No. 7, what are you doing?!" Tsuchigomori raced to the two, but he was forced back by a pair of white orbs. Haku-joudai pushed the teacher back and out of the classroom, but not before he shouted one last thing: "Amane, stop it!"

Hanako leaned back.

. . . And promptly tumbled off the cot.

"Hanako-kun?!" Nene exclaimed, leaning over the edge of the cot. Hanako looked up at her with a surprised expression.

"What . . . Yashiro?" He sat up and looked around. "Why am I in the infirmary?"

"W-Well, y-you were sick . . ." Nene mumbled. Hanako pulled himself up and perched on the edge of the bed. He gave his assistant a once-over, raising an eyebrow.

It took Nene a minute to realize her appearance: Messy hair, flushed face, dress slightly askew . . .

"Did we do something and I don't remember it?" Hanako asked. Blush spread down Nene's face.

"I-- Um-- bye--!" Nene jumped off the bed and raced down the hall.

Tsuchigomori entered the room and sat next to his past student.

"What was that about?" he asked. Hanako laughed quietly.

"I was sick. I don't remember."

"Don't lie to me." Hanako looked up in surprise. "The sickness you had, and Yashiro-san before, is cured by mouth-to-mouth contact. So you were aware of what you were doing the second after you kissed her."


Just to make sure you got the joke: Hanako knew what he was doing after the first second of kissing Nene. It wasn't the sickness driving him.

Also, my friend nicknamed this "Horny Fever", so that's what I've taken to calling it. XD It's a great name.

Also-also, my musical was great! The rest of the cast and I have been working for weeks. OMG, I remember the auditions-- it feels like it's been forever. Thank you for all your support!

Also-also-also, I have a question for you guys: What's your favorite oneshot of mine and why?

Stay safe and healthy!

~~ Author-chan ~~

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