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Nene: Something must be wrong with Author-chan-- they're writing another weird oneshot!

Hanako: Hmm, you're just angry because we do it--

Nene: *blushes furiously* We do not!

Hanako: Hmm . . . *looks at paper* Oh, you're right. 

Nene: But still-- this oneshot is a touch spicy. Of course, Author-chan would never write lemon/lime, but this is . . . yeah. 

Hanako: You've been waaaaarrrnnneeedd! *wiggles fingers spookily*

~~End of A/N~~

"Yashiro~ I'm hungry!" Hanako complained. Nene laughed.

"Ghosts don't need to eat!"

"Yeah, but we can! And . . . I wanna." Hanako crossed his arms over his chest.

"Alright, come on--"

Before Nene could take a step, Hanako picked her up, bridal-style, and took off gliding. Nene laughed as they went. The two quickly arrived at the Home Ec classroom.

"What do you want to make?" Nene asked, surveying the kitchen.


"No doughnuts."

Nene felt Hanako hug her from behind.

"Not even for me?" Hanako whispered in her ear. Nene tried her best not to jump. He was using what she had mentally dubbed his 'seductive voice'. It was the one Hanako used whenever he wanted Nene to do something for him.

But it wouldn't work this time.

"No, Hanako-kun, sorry." Nene reached to remove his hands from her shoulders.

Hanako quickly slid his arms down to her waist, where he hugged her tighter. "Please?" he whispered.

There it was. That weird, burning feeling Nene sometimes got whenever Hanako tried something like this.

"A-alright," Nene mumbled. Hanako immediately released her.


When Nene turned to look at him, Hanako paused. "Are you alright? You're blushing really hard."

Nene blushed harder. "No, I'm not!" She quickly turned around so he couldn't see.

It was unfair; he shouldn't have been able to make her feel like this. But as much as she tried to deny it, it was true: Nene Yashiro was in love with Hanako, the leader and 7th of the Seven Wonders.

And, as far as she could tell, Hanako didn't love her back.

"Yashiro?" She looked up. Hanako leaned towards her, only inches away. "Are you still--"

Nene shrieked and jumped back, falling to the ground. But, in the process of doing so, she accidentally knocked Hanako down. He fell forward and--

"Well, this is kinda awkward, isn't it?" Hanako laughed uncomfortably. Nene took a minute to recognize what he was doing.

Hanako had managed to trap Nene in a kabedon.

Her face grew hotter. "I-- uh-- um--" she stuttered. Hanako didn't move off her. "C-can you move?" Nene asked. Hanako laughed.

"Really? You don't like this?" In one quick movement, the ghost rolled onto his back and moved Nene so that she was sitting on his chest. "Is this better?"

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