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In the silence of the night, Marco could only hear the battering of the wind and his footsteps trudging through the mud. The wind howled as he approached his destination.

Visiting her grave at midnight had almost become routine for him, whatever weather it was. He knelt down at the foot of her grave, not caring if he dirtied the knees in his jeans with mud.

Strange to some, but he began talking to her grave, telling her of all the things she had missed since his last visit. "Mother and I made amends," he spoke, with a tone of sadness riddled in his voice. "I told her I was sorry for what I put her through. I lied, I'm not sorry. But she's all I have left. I wish you were here, with me. Then I wouldn't have to lie to her."

The small bouquet of white flowers which he held in his hands were placed down next to his muddy knees, inside an outdoor vase.

"I love you Aria," he whispered before pushing himself up from his knees. He kissed the fingers on his hand and pushed them onto her gravestone, transferring the kiss from his the tips of his slender fingers to the cold hard stone which had her name engraved on it.

It was a quick visit. He didn't spend more than five minutes kneeling over her grave. He didn't feel like he had to spend more time than this, otherwise he would. He couldn't bear the thoughts which occurred when he stayed at her grave for more than five minutes.

His Aria, his gentle, innocent Aria, whom he had simply taken for granted was laying inside a coffin, six feet underground, her body decomposing.

In the silence of the night, Marco could only hear the battering of the wind and his footsteps trudging through the mud as he made his way to the gates of the graveyard- which he could barely see due to vision in his eyes blurring with tears.


a/n: lol it's over! this has been such a whirlwind journey for me and i can't thank you all enough.

thank you to everyone who read this story. especially since it was my first and not the greatest, it means a lot that you'd all stick with me through this.

also, i'm going to go back and edit the start and such, but it won't be much different.

i hope you all have a wonderful day. much love, eva xo.

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