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The gates to the prison were a sight that Aria had become used to. In her ideal life, prison wouldn't be a place she ever had to visit. Yet, the life she lived today was far from her ideal life.

When Aria was six, she dreamed of being treated like a princess - like almost every six year old girl does. She dreamed of having a nice house, a perfect husband, children of her own and a sense of fulfillment. Instead, she was stuck visiting her criminal boyfriend in prison everyday she could, it was far from the perfect life she had dreamed of when she was six.

Marco smiled brightly when she entered the visiting room -- partly in relief that she was still in one part and partly happy just to see her. "I was worried," he said, still smiling brightly. "I didn't think I'd see you again."

"Don't worry about me, Marco. I already told you that." She smiled back at his genuine worry, he wasn't usually the type to pour his emotions out to her, but things had changed dramatically in the last month. "I have both good news and bad news, which do you want first?"

"The good."

"Well, mine and Miro's plan worked. Mats admitted everything to me. Miro's working on getting you released now, as we speak." At her words, Marco's mouth dropped open, he couldn't quite believe what he was hearing. All he wanted to do at this moment in time was wrap his arms around her slim figure and cuddle her.

"Seriously?" Was all he could bring himself to say as she nodded - yes. "I love you. I truly do love you. I can't wait to hold you in my arms again. I promise I'll treat you better. Oh my God, I can't believe it, thank you."

"It's not me you should be thanking, it's Miro. Without him, I'd have had no clue what I was doing."

"What about the bad news, do I really need to hear it?" Marco pouted. "I don't want to spoil my happy mood."

"No, not exactly. I mean, I'd rather tell you now, rather than later." She said, looking down at her hands, fiddling with her bracelet. "It's about Mats and I."

The tension in the air was almost unbearable. The joyful atmosphere from a few seconds ago had vanished almost instantaneously as Marco looked down at his fidgeting hands. He tried to force himself to bring his head up and face the bad news like a man but he couldn't. He couldn't even bring himself to look at Aria, whose eyes were filling up with tears.

"Marco.." She started, trying her best to explain the situation although he wasn't even looking at her, which made her even more nervous than she had been before. "He kissed me, well, I kissed him-" She admitted, being cut off by Marco interrupting her.

"I don't want to hear it." He shortly said, standing up and pushing his chair to the floor, leaving the room in a state of anger before visiting time was even up.

He was hurt, Aria understood this but he didn't let her explain that it was for his benefit - to set him free. He was ungrateful, and Aria had no time to shed tears over someone who was ungrateful for her help. And so Aria left the prison, with her head held high and no tears staining her face, whereas Marco was in his cell, his knees pulled up to his face and sobbing hysterically, whispering "She's mine."


a/n: idek i totally didn't plan this but oh well. anyways like i said, just a couple more chapters left and I might do them in letters or something.. i hope you all have a lovely day and remember to vote / leave feedback. ily, eva xo.

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