Chapter 18

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Jessica screamed at the top of her lungs. Their fur pushing back being hit by the wind they felt when flying down in the air. 

"I don't like THIS!" Mat shouted, looking to the Shepherd. In a panic as well, barely showing it in his facial expression.

"Skye, this would be a good time for you to wake up!" Jessica whined, looking to her, holding her arms around her. "Now."

"Just give her time." Chase asked, looking to the wolf. She sighed, letting go of the Cockapoo. Pushing her thru the air to the Shepherd.

He grabbed her. Holding onto her close, resting his eyes. 

Mat looked above them to the ship, still tact. Barely.

"Well at least the ship didn't exp-


Fires were shot around the air, the whole ship exploding. Pieces flying up into the air as spaceships did as well.

They all flinched, looking to one another in a panic. "Or not." Mat finished, smiling weakly.

He softly smiled, his eyes slowly starting to close and his face rested. Coming to a calm state. "Please," He whispered softly to her ear. "Wake up."

He felt as her grip became tighter around him, catching his attention. He looked down to her, burying her head in his chest.

She slowly lifted up her head. Her eyes opening up, locking with his Auburn eyes. She looked past him, seeing the sky. 

They were in the sky.


She felt the paw of the Shepherd cover over her mouth, keeping her scream inside. "Right now, we need a force field around us." Chase directed, glancing around. 

She nodded her head, feeling his paw come off. She looked around to the other canines, expanding her paws. They watched a pink tinted force field around them, stopping the pressure pushing down on them as they fell.

They landed at the bottom of the bubble, groaning echoing thru out it. 

Chase slowly rolled onto his back, his chest glowing dimly blue. He felt something soft hit his cheek, catching his attention. He looked to the Cockapoo. Nuzzling his cheek. Soon, laying beside him. 

He felt his paw twitch, both getting warmer. 

He felt something hit his shoulder in an instant after. He looked to his side. Jessica, slowly blinking her eyes to him. 'Stop before we all melt.' She mouthed, soon, hearing a snicker from her brother.

Chase narrowed his eyes to the two wolves, smiling back at him. 


They all looked to the Cockapoo, anxiously looking above. They all turned their attention up into the clouds. Watching as Silverclaw flew down in a hovering scooter.

"Oh, come ON!" Jessica complained with a sneer. "Not even Bad guys are THIS annoying." She huffed, folding her arms. 

"We can take em'."

Skye looked to the sitting up Shepherd, smiling back at her. She looked to his chest, glowing dimly blue. "No, I got this." She corrected, looking back to the force field.

"What?" The canines said in sync, soon seeing as she made a small opening. Jumping thru and closing behind her. 

"Skye," Chase called out calmly, feeling the side of the field. "Open this, and let me out." He asked, watching as she flew up, ignoring his requested.

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