Chapter 17

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Chase groaned softly, looking up to his back. The Cockapoo, still, her face rested and her eyes close. Her chest slowly puffing in and out, glowing pink dimly.

He slowly pulled her beside him, allowing him to sit up.


The canines looked to the window of the room. Seeing Silverclaw. The real one. His eyes burning with purple as his hands as well.

The Shepherd slowly stood up, pulling the Cockapoo to him. He backed away to the two wolves, giving them her. 

"You want a brawl." Chase asked, letting go of the Cockapoo. "I'll give you one." His eyes twitched, feeling as his paws turned fire and his eyes electrified. 

"How. Is a weak. Dog. Going to deafet me?" SIlverclaw asked, rising an eyebrow. A taunting snicker escaping him while his arms folded. He looked past the Shepherd to the wolves in the kitchen, eating the baked Cookies as they kept the Cockapoo.

"HEY!" He shouted out, startling them. Mat held a Baked cookie in his paw, biting down on it. "t's o gd." His words muffled from his compliment. 

Silverclaw summoned the same Axe, gripping the handle tight in the palm of his hand. He spiraled the axe around to the kitchen to the two wolves. Barley missing Mat. Hitting the island next to him. He stood stiff, looking to the blade. Inches away from his nose.

He was pulled back by Jessica, snapping him out of his horror trance.

Chase let out a soft growl to Silverclaw, clutching his paws tight. His rose then, to swing them back down, a whip of fire escaping them, waving to the enemy. 

Silverclaw whipped out another summon of the axe, hitting the attempt of hit. He chuckled, watching as the Shepherd panted, slowly his chest starting to fade blue.

Jessica slowly lifted a cookie to the Cockapoo's mouth. Keeping his distraught eyes on Silverclaw. Watching as he slowly walked to the Shepherd. Panting on his knees.

He grabbed him by the neck, lifting him up into the air. Chase grabbed onto his hands, gripping them tight. Trying to push them off, feeling his oxygen deplete. 

His paws started to burn flames, burning his hands in an instant. His let go of him, holding his burned hands. 

Chase fell to the ground, panting hard, slowly lifting up his head to look above to the enemy. Backing away as he groaned, his hand burnt. 

Chase pushed himself up, his eyes burning with fire in his eyes. He turned his head, looking to across the room.

An electrical unit.

His paw burst into flames once more, an Idea burning in his mind. He looked to the kitchen. Jessica and Mat holding the Cockapoo as they feast on the baked sweets.


They whipped their heads to look at the Shepherd. Swing his paw over to the unit across the room. Instant contact, starting to burst into flames.

Catching quickly and spreading quickly. They all watched as it spread around the room. Catching flames to electrical units and sericites around the room. The lights breaking and over heating into a fire. 

Soon, the whole room engulfed in flames. 

Silverclaw groaned in frustration, whipping his head around to everything set on fire. Soon, sirens started to wail in the whole ship. Sprinklers went off in the room. Causing everything touched by the electric to be electric.  

Chase whipped his head to look at the kitchen. Pushing off the ground into a sprint to them.

He stopped, sliding a few inches in front of them, panting. "Come on." He gestured behind him, a pathway out of the fire. The canines rushed behind the Shepherd. Out the door, into the hallway. Seeing as flames were everywhere and fallen figures too.

More rushing by them, screaming in a panic. Chase panted, darting his eyes around while his chest dimmed down on the blue tint.

"Come on!"

He looked behind him to Jessica and Mat, carrying the Cockapoo, following the figures down the pathway. Chase huffed, closing his eyes. 

His chest glowed brighter blue a burst of energy hitting him. He opened up his electrified eyes, pushing off the ground into a sprint. A trail of fire following behind him as he did.

He grabbed onto the two wolves, holding on tighter to the Cockapoo.

He dashed down the hallways, swerving left and right. Running up stairs around the ship, up onto the roof.

He stopped, running thru the open door. Watching as figures ran past him on top of the ship. 

He panted, his chest puffing in and out, watching as smaller ships flew off away, figures inside of them, fully packed or more.

"Can you make a riff?!" Jessica asked in a frantic panic, holding the Cockapoo. 

"His power's to weak, he needs to rest." Mat explained in a whisper, looking to his sister.

"No. No. No. I-I can." Chase hesitantly panicked. He held up his paws, expanding them, trying to open up a way out. He stopped, looking down to his paws. His flames slowly starting to die down of the flames.

He looked back up, down the top of the ship to the edge. "We need to jump." 

"JUMP?!" They both shrieked, whipping their heads to look at him. Observing as he ran over at a normal speed to the edge. They rushed after him, making sure to hold onto her. Still asleep, only her chest glowing bright pink than before.

They stopped, a few inches from the edge. Slowly, looking down, their vision enhancing in fear.

"Snickerdoodles backed over night, that's a far drop." Jessica muttered, looking to the Shepherd. seeing as his chest puffed in and out slowly, dimly shinning blue. 


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