Chapter 7

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They were all training together, to taking down trees to picking up boulders. 

"Ok, Chase. You need to learn how to control your speed." Mat said, pointing at the German Shepherd. Chase nodded his head and stood up. They looked at the long river ahead of them. "So what am I going to do?" Chase asked, looking at them. "You're gonna run across the river." Jessica said. Skye began to worry. 

"W-What if he sinks?!" Skye said, looking at the two wolves. They shrug their shoulders. "What do you mean you don't know?!" Chase said, whipping his head to them. "You'll be fine." Mat said, Chase rolled his eyes and walked to the river side. 

He put his paw in the calm water and looked at the river, sinking deep of depth. Chase's paws lit on fire. It burned the water surrounding him. "Calm down, and run." Mat said, pointing to the long river. Chase back up and looked at it, the calm, aqua, water. 

He took a deep breath and sighed. He ran faster, creating wind to pass by them. Chase looked ahead, he was running on water. "You're actually doing it!" Mat called out, "I am!" Chase said, running around on the river. 

Skye let out a sigh of relief, watching the shepherd run around. Chase came back to the shore, and splashed the others with the water, on accidently. They shake off and look at the completely dry Shepherd. 

"You're up next." Jessica said, looking at the Cockapoo. "W-What?" Skye said, turning her attention to the wolf. "You're time to Fly." Mat finished. 

Skye looked at Chase, he had a very concerned face but nodded. She looked back at the wolves and sighed. She closed her eyes and started to lift off the ground. The same pink aura swarmed around her, in a spiral. 

Skye opened up her eyes, she was up, very high. She started to smile looking down at the three. "This is so cool!" She said, waving her arms in the air. The aura then flew a different direction, It caused damage to a tree. 

"WHAT was that?!" Chase said, looking at the damaged tree." I guess she has a new superpower." Mat said, shrugging his shoulder. "Mass destruction." Jessica said, smiling. Chase shook his head. His paws lit on fire again, but now on his back legs. 

"That! Is not COOL." Chase said, pointing with his paws. A Fire burst came out, and came towards the Flying Cockapoo. Chase looked up to the spiraling Fire, inching closer to her. His heart dropped and Shattered. 

"SKYE!" They all shout. Skye looks down at the fire, inching closer to her. She blocks with her force field just in time. "I Am Really really really really really SORRY." Chase called out to her. "It's fine!" She called back out. 

"How do I work these things?!" Chase said, waving his paws around. He then burst into the air, fire following him. He sreechs, in a very high pitched tone. He come sup in the air, then falls back down, over the river. 

"Chase!" Skye said, looking down at the shepherd. She expands her paw and makes a landing pad with her force field, preventing the Shepherd to plummet to the river. 

She sighs in relief, as she holds the force field in place. Skye moves her force field to the ground and closes her paws, causing it to disappear. Chase looks at the Wolves, clutching their stomachs with laughter. 

"How can you laugh when I almost killed Skye, Then almost killed myself?!" Chase said, looking at the two. His paws lit fire, bright. 

"Y-You. Screeched!" Mat said, in-between breaths. "I was scared!" Chase defends. Skye lowers to the ground and looks at the two wolves.

"What are they laughing about?" Skye asks, Chase shakes his head while looking at the Cockapoo. "Nothing Important." Chase said, looking back at the wolves. "B-But you screeched!" Jessica said, laughing. 

"And?" Skye said, looking at the two. "He was scared, he burst into the air with fire for crying out loud!" Skye said, pointing at Chase while looking at the two. They stop laughing and nod. "Right." They agreed. 

"I think I'm done training for the day." Chase said, laying down. "No-uh! We have to train all day everyday if we want a chance of beating silverclaw!" Mat said, shaking his head. "You say WE if you guys are actually the one fighting." Skye added, they both nod. 

"I wonder how Ryder and the pups are doing." Chase said, looking at Skye. She shrugs her shoulders and lays next to him. "We have a lot more training to do." Mat said, looking at the two. "SInce we just discovered two new elements to your powers, we need to try everything so we know how much powers you guys really have." Jessica said, looking at Mat. 

"Alright, so I can rip the fabric of space, fire powers, spear, and super strength." Chase said, counting. 

"Well, I can Fly, animal kingdom howl summoning, whatever, I can shoot pink blasts out of my hand, force field and Super strength as well." Skye said, looking at the wolves. 

"Alright, five and four." Mat said, pointing to Skye then at Chase. "Try doing..Anything." Jessica said, looking at the two. They tried pressing, jumping anything. The two wolves held in their laughs. 

Chase looked down at the river, he sighed. His chest slowly glowed blue as he breath in deep. They all turned their attention to Chase. 

He barked lout, a huge sound wave came out from his mouth, it echoed over the water, pushing it far. He blinked his eyes twice. He turned to the others, speechless. 

"Ok. Super sonic scream. Check." Mat said, looking at them.

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