Chapter 12

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The pups were doing the best they could to defend off Silverclaw's army. They were losing, very fast. More and More ships arrived. The whole town evacuated, safely. 

"Ryder, we are losing!" Rocky said, looking up to the boy. "I know Rocky. But we need to do everything we can to help save this town." Ryder said, looking down at the Mongrel. 

More and More soldiers came and attacked the pups, overpowering them. They first captured Rocky. "No! Rocky, Dude!" Zuma said, attack the figures with a wave of water. 

Then they got them all. One, by one until they had everybody. 

Silverclaw walked with two bodyguards following him. "Pathetic." He said, looking at the boy. "Why do you want us?! What have we ever done to you?!" Ryder yelled at him. Silverclaw then smirked. 

"You did nothing! I just want to make people's life miserable." Silverclaw said, lifting him up by the next then throwing him back down onto the hard ground. 

"Now NOBODY Can stop me!" He yelled. 

Ryder guided his head over away from the army. His eyes widened as he leg go of the bars of the cage. All the pups looked to where the boy did, their eyes shot wider as well.

"What are you all looking at?!" Silver shouted out. He whipped his head to across the town. Spotting a large blue rimmed portal. All different animals walking out. Slowly he guided his eyes to the front of the animal army.

He guided his eyes to in front of the army. Seeing a white panther, a Shepherd riding on top as they walked out from the portal. A Cockapoo showed herself from behind him, waving hello as she smiled.

He hopped off, landing on all fours. He adjusted his paws on the ground under him, soon, his chest starting to glow blue. His eyes electrified, a smile on his face.

He pushed off the ground, a pathway of fire following behind him. He stopped, sliding a few feet. He looked to Silverclaw yards away.

"This ends NOW." Chase barked. Soon, his chest glowed bright blue once again, as his mouth opened up. He barked, barking loud, as a sound wave of blue came out from him, whipping to the army, knocking down a few.

"Attack!" Skye shouted, pointing ahead. Animals around the white panther ran past them over to the army, and passed the Shepherd, standing tall on all fours, glaring ahead. Wind whipping past him as the animals ran to the army, attacking the figures.

He jumped, high into the air, fire started on his paws and back legs, keeping him up in the air. He looked behind him to the Cockapoo, flying over to Shepherd, smiling as pink aura spiraled around her.

"Let's take out the trash." Skye huffed, looking ahead to the army of figures.


They both looked to the cage, holding their friends.

"Not now Marshall!" Chase barked back, looking to his best friend. 

"Watch out!" They heard the boy call out to them. Skye held up her paw in front of her, making a force feild in front of them stopping a bolder to hit them.

"Oh my dog." Everest muttered under her breath. 

"You can't stop me, dogs!" They both looked to Silverclaw, looking back up to them from the fields apart. Skye looked to the Shepherd, looking back to her as his eyes rolled.

She put down her force feild, watching as he summoned his spear. He looked back to Silverclaw, aiming it at him. Then, throwing the spiraling spear.

Quickly, Silverclaw moved out the way watching as the spear penetrated the ground next to him. Cracking the ground.

He scoffed, taking out a walkie-talkie, looking up to he sky as he spoke.

"WE need to get them out of here." Chase directed, pointing to the ones in the cage. She looked over to them, nodding her head.

She extended her paws, making a forcefield around the cage. She enclosed it, breaking the bars that made up the cage.

She enclosed the forcefield around them, pointing her paws to the lookout far out across the bridge. Then, making it, barely.

She guided her eyes above the lookout, soon, widening. 

"Chase." She said, reaching out for him.

"I see it." He replied, watching as the same spaceship the saw before, but more. Making their way over to the town the lived in.

"Not. Good." Skye muttered under her breath, looking to the Shepherd. He shook his head, looking back to her. He looked down to Silverclaw. His hands raised up as purple aura swarmed around it. 

He looked to pieces of ground from the earth, large, as they were swarmed with the same purple aura. Soon, being thrown at them.

The Shepherd quickly pulled the Cockapoo in the air, flying back, avoiding the rubble. He looked to Silverclaw, narrowing his eyes. 

"That wasn't very nice!" He barked out, letting go of her. 

"That was the point!" Silverclaw shouted back, mimicking him. 

"Chase," He turned his head, looking to the Cockapoo, frantic. "I don't think their supposed to land." she hissed.

He looked to across the town, a space ship indeed landed as the hatch was opened. Large figures walking out in a orderly fashion. 

"Time to do some real damage." Chase snarled, narrowing his eyes to a spaceship.

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