Chapter 8

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They were all laying down in a circle around each other. "So, do you guys want to tell scary stories?" Jessica said, looking at the others. Skye looks around at them, she wasn't a fan of scary stories. Or anything scary in general. 

"N-No. I think we're good." Skye said in a stutter. Chase looked down at her, he knew how much she hated things that could potentially scare her. "Yeah. I don't think that's a good idea." Chase siad, looking back at the wolf. She scoffed and crossed her arms.

"Oh come ON. I won't make it that scary." Jessica said, rolling her eyes. Skye looked up at Chase, he looked back down at her and shook his head. Skye looked back at the wolf. 

"Bring it." She said, confidently. 


"No..No. Not." Chase said, shaking his head, Skye put her paw onto his, his heart started to race but didn't show it. "I'll be fine." She said, looking up at him. She took her paw off his and looked at Jessica. "Hit me with your bests hot." Skye said, smiling confidently. 

"But Skye. You don't have to." Chase defended. "But how am I going to help defeat Silverclaw if I can't listen to a scary story?" Skye said, looking at him. 

"The highness has a point." Mat said, joining the Conversation. Chase couldn't come up with anything, leaving him in defeat. "Bring it Jessica." Skye said, turning her attention back to her. Jessica then smiled. 

She stood up, stiff, her smile dropped to a dull face. So did her voice. "Night, darkness. Creatures rome the night." Jessica said, looking straight ahead to the fire. 

Skye started to regret it already.

"But something...Far scarier than any creature or thing you ever seen." Jessica said, Mat scoffed and put his head on his paw. "It...It is something...Something big.." Jessica said, Skye held her paw in her other. She kept biting her lips. 

"You hear a crack, you start running. Running fast, but not fast enough." Jessica said, her lips start to quiver. "It slowly starts to catch up to you but you don't know is running after you." Jessica said, her eyes twitch. 

"It slowly creeps up...Closer and closer." Jessica said, her eyes blanked. 


Skye yipped in fear, she was stiff. Chase looked at Jessica and frowned. "That's enough for tonight." He said, grinding his teeth. Jessica Rolled her eyes, and laid down. They all laid down and slowly drifted to sleep.

All but Skye. 

She kept her eyes slightly open, unable to close them. Her Magenta eyes sparkled in the moonlight, shining into the cave. 

She lifted her head slowly, she looked at the sleeping other. She smiled, she fixed her eyes onto Jessica. She rolled her eyes and gently giggle. She put her head back down and smiled. She knew she was safe with her friends. 

Her eyes closed and she slowly drifted off to sleep. 

With Silverclaw

He was tapping the side of his throne. He was bored. He tapped his stick, waiting for any news that could be good. He kept his glare out the huge window, covering up the whole wall. He had a view of earth, rotating around the sun. It's green and blue colors glistened with sunlight, or shinned from the moon's ray. 

He rolled his eyes, looking away from the planet. He couldn't wait until he could rule it, destroy and make the human beans his slaves. He couldn't wait to put them in misery. He heard knocking on the door, he turned his attention to the door. It opened, and one of the scientists was at the door. 

He bowed before entering. "What brings you're worthless life here." SilverClaw said, "W-We have found t-the crystals you requested Sir." He said, looking at him. SilverClaw then grinned. 

He rushed past the scientist, out the door and down to the controlling room. He rushed in and looked at the person who controlled who goes in and out. 

"Send a ship to earth, and get those Crystals." SilverClaw said. They nodded and pressed buttons. Just then, a Ship flew out from the bigger one and flew to earth. 

"This will be to easy." SilverClaw said, smiling. He laughed maniacally as he exited the room. His dark cape followed him, streaming down his back, to the floor. 

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