Chapter 22

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Taylors POV

It was a new day and my parents were already getting on my nerves with Zaden moved out of the house I seem to be their only child left still living with them. I walked downstairs all dressed and ready to go I was thinking about taking Kim out for breakfast today that's if she isn't still mad at me. I spotted my mom in the kitchen and my dad at the table reading a news paper. "Morning honey" my mom said as I walked into the kitchen "Morning I thought you guys would be at work by now what's going on" I asked "Me and your mother decided to stay in today you know so we could have a decent breakfast like a family" my dad said before going back to his news papers.

"Welp you guys made all of this for nothing I'm taking Kim out for breakfast today" I said

"Oh that's fine honey you can just make it up to us by showing up to dinner tonight speaking of that will you ask Kim if she'll come we'd love to have her again" my mom said I sighed "yeah sure" I said before giving my mom a kiss on the cheek and saying bye to dad.

The drive to Kim's house wasn't that long so I was there and no time. "Babe you home?" I called out but got no answer so I decided to go up to her room instead I walked upstairs and down the halls on my way there I bumped into Grace coming out of her room in nothing but a robe."Jesus you scared me" she said "Sorry have you seen Kim is she home?" I asked "um yeah she's um in the room with Danny" she said looking nervous for some reason. I nodded and went to open the door behind her but she stopped me. "No! Uh not my room hers" she said I looked at her weirdly "you ok" I asked

"Yeah um I'm fine why" she asked "I don't know because your sweating really bad and you look really guilty" I said "I do not look guilty"

"Oh you so do" I said she just rolled her eyes "well ok then I'll be in Kim's room see ya" I said before turning and making my way to Kim's room. I walked in her room to see her on the bed playing with Danny he was laughing and giggling while she tickled his tummy. "Hey you two" I said alerting Kim of my Presents but she wouldn't even look at me instead she continued playing with Danny. "Oh come on you can't possibly still be mad at me" I said she sighed and looked up at me "I can and I am" she said I rolled my eyes. "Are you serious right now" I asked "very" she said "oh my god it was one time" I said to her standing in front of her bed. "It was two you've managed to make me look like a fool in front of my Parent's twice".

"Kimmy-" I said but she stopped me "don't Kimmy me the first time you met them you managed to piss them off being an ass the whole time we were at dinner then at the Christmas get together at Alex's parents house you ran off with Alex avoiding them the whole Time and when you did run into them you wouldn't even make eye contact with them" She said

"Kim I-" I tried saying but she cut me off again "I want them to like you I want them to want to come to our wedding I want them to want to be around when we have kids" she said I looked at her wide eyed "Uh we didn't talk about that" I said "well we're talking about it now" she said "Kim I don't want kids" I said she looked at me shocked and confused all in one. "What do you mean you don't want kids" she asked getting up and sitting Danny on the bed before giving him her phone he immediately turned all his attention towards it.

"What I said I don't want kids" I said she scoffed at me"

"Why" she asked

"Do it has to be a reason some people just don't want kids and I happen to be one of them" I said

"Well I want kids Taylor and I want to marry you and I want you to move in with me" she said looking me in the eyes

"Whoa come on slow down"

"No we need to move fast we're the only ones out of our friend group who hasn't gotten engaged or had kids or even moved in with each other we're in the same spot we we're in high school" she said

"And what's wrong with that" I asked "everything Taylor everything is wrong with that everyone around us is moving on while we're just standing still I don't want to stand still anymore" she said

"I like where we are"

"Really? Your still living with your parents and you have more then enough money to move out." She pointed out I rolled my eyes at the mention of it.

"Well I'm not ready for things to change" I yelled a bit

"Well I am" she yelled back it was quiet for a minute then I spoke. "So what now"

"We don't want the same things maybe we aren't right for each other" she said I looked at her in disbelief "oh come on because I don't want to tie myself down to you or have a bunch of slobbery babies" I said she looked away

"Maybe we should take a break" she said still looking away my heart started pounding in my chest at the mention of those words.

"Are- are you breaking up with me right now" I asked she said nothing instead she just stood there looking everywhere but my eyes. "Fine" I said starting to tear up I turned around and left slamming the door behind me as soon as I was away from her tears started falling but I just wiped them away as I walked down the stairs. I bumped into Alex coming from the kitchen she seen that I was crying and a worried look immediately was shown on her face.

"Hey you ok" she asked but I was to pissed and sad to even answer her so instead I just left out going to my car and getting in before driving off I needed to be anywhere but that house.


End of chapter: I know it's short but it's something.

looks like Kim and Taylor have a problem do you think Taylor will change her mind about things???

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