Chapter 20

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Before we Start you'll want to read this ⬇️

Your Arthur Speaking/ hey guys I was thinking since I'm loving writing this book and you guys are loving reading it I thought maybe I should make a book 3

Now it won't have a story plot or anything like that so it'll be pretty random but it will allow you to follow both Grace and Alex and their kids everyday adventures because it won't just have one or two peoples POV but everyones. I don't know guys what do you think?

Grace's POV

I opened the box and there was a note inside I sat the box down and opened the note and it said look up. I looked up to see Alex down on one knee. "Oh my god-" I Screeched

"Grace I like you and I've always liked you since we were in middle school. it was a silly Crush it's only then in high school when I realized I loved you when I realized I needed you is when you left and when I realized how stupid I was being was just a few minutes ago in the kitchen" she said Chuckling causing me to chuckle as tears fell down my face.

"We promised each other that we'd get married and start a family together at first I wasn't completely sure that I could give you kids but that little one over there proved me wrong so Grace would you do me the honor of becoming my wife and the mother to many more of my children" she said

I was speechless everyone was quiet waiting on my answer.

"Yes!!" I finally said she smiled the biggest smile ever before standing up I got up with her wrapping my arms around her neck and kissing her everyone clapped and cheered and I swear they were more excited then I was.

After that amazing moment we all went to have dinner Mrs.Andrews made a lovely dinner everything looked so good I couldn't wait to eat I put Danny in the chair in the middle of Alex and me that way we can both help him eat. As the day went by we all ate and talked and I had a chance to catch up with Kim's parents who I personally love like my own we laughed and joked we talked about the older days when we were younger. Even though I was talking to everyone else I still couldn't keep my eyes off of Alex her smile was everything she really seems to be herself again.

After dinner people slowly started to leave I stayed in the kitchen so that I could help Mrs. Andrews Clean up Alex and Taylor had took Danny outside to go do something I'm not really sure but as long as Alex is with him I'm fine with it I'm sorry but I wouldn't let Taylor be alone with a child shes like a kid herself at times.

"So-" I Started to say but got cut off "Are you planing on staying" she asked out of nowhere I looked at her stunned

"Because that's my daughter in there that girl she was when you left was not my daughter I like you Grace but from the moment I first met you I thought to myself yeah this girl is going to break her heart and surely you did. I just need to know that you won't do it again and my daughter won't run off to another state or something this time" she said her voice getting a little shaking as she scrubbed the plate not even looking at me.

I just stood there not knowing what to say she sighed and turned towards me after putting the plate down and drying her hand. "I was worried out of my mind when she left no one could reach her I started to think the worst I didn't tell Alex any of this because when I seen her standing outside my door I was just so happy that she was back and ok"

I looked up at her then back down at the ring on my finger. "I'm staying this time I'm am sorry that I was basically the cause of your pain but I'm here to say that I love your daughter and I'd do anything for her but she wasn't the only on in pain when I found out I was pregnant I regretted not bringing her with me so I called and called to tell her but she wouldn't answer I thought my life was ruined I sat in the bathroom of a hotel room and cried for hours until I finally decided to call Kim because I didn't want to do it on my own" I explained she looked at me Sympathetically

"Oh sweetheart I'm so sorry" she said

"It's fine we're together now and we're getting married all that matters is that we can finally be happy again " I said to her she smiled and we hugged it out.

Alex's POV

After everyone left with their gifts and a full stomach me and Taylor decided to take Danny to the backyard to play in the snow Taylor keep throwing him in the snow and Danny's loving it even though theres a big fluffy bed of snow catching him it's still scaring the hell out of me.

"Ok Taylor enough I mean it" I said

"Oh come on just one more" she said not even waiting on my answer before picking him up and doing it again I flinched seeing it. Danny's laughs could be heard all around as he happily stood up for her to do it again. Just then my dad walked up. "Hey I heard laughing what are you 3 doing out here" he asked

"Taylors trying to Kill my Son" I said

"What!? No I'm not he loves it" she said just then my dad picked Danny up and did the same thing Taylor was doing.

"Oh my goodness Dad?!" I yelled Danny was in the snow just giggling away

"Oh calm down honey he loves it" he said

"Exactly that's what I've been telling her" Taylor said I just stood there shaking my head

Just then Grace came outside. "Hey grace" Taylor said turning my attention towards her "hey guys whatcha doing" she asked

"Trying to kill our son" I said Taylor punched my arm


"We are not trying to kill Danny he's just having fun"

"I see well it's way past his bedtime and I have work in the morning so we should get going" She said

"Oh ok" I replied she then reached out her hand for Danny to take which he did they both then turned towards me.

"She tomorrow" she said

"Most definitely" I said before giving her a peck on the lips she smiled and turned to leave with Danny I watched as she got in the car after making sure Danny was in then she pulled out of the driveway and continued off down the road. Once they were gone I quickly turned towards my Dad and Taylor.

"I need you two tomorrow I'm going to go look at some houses and hopefully buy one I want to surprise Hayden and Grace with one for us to live in together as a family". I explained they both nodded "Sure I'm free Kim's babysitting and she's mad at me for avoiding her parents all day so why not"

"I'll clear my schedule"  my dad said I smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek "Thanks dad" I said before turning to leave "Hey! What about me" Taylor said playfully I laughed and flipped her off she laughed as well as I walked away.


End of chapter: I guess they getting married!!!

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