Chapter 14

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Grace's POV:

I was on the couch with Danny on my lap as we watched His favorite tv show I took off of work today to take care of him perks of owning your own company means you can close it whenever and however long you want I make my own Schedule. Danny has been pretty whiny which is to be expected but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't giving me a headache of my own.

There was a knock on the door and I had to sit Danny down to go answer it and of course as soon as I did he started crying.

"Danny don't cry mommy's going to be right back" I said trying to calm him but his screams just got louder I quickly went to the door surprised at who was at it "Alex" I said seeing her with a hand full of bags I looked at her confused. "Hi This is for Danny" she said handing me the bags I took them and sat them to the side "Oh um thank you" I said she smiled and rubbed the back of her neck nervously.

"C-can I uh um see him" she said stuttering a bit I nodded and let her in. she walked in no doubt being met by the sound of crying I pointed towards the front room where he was throwing a fit on the couch. Alex quickly went over grabbing him up and holding him close to her chest his little legs around her waist as she sat down with him patting and rubbing his back while humming a Beautiful tone to him and just like that he started to fall asleep in her arms I was amazed at how fast she was able to get him to sleep I could never get him to sleep that fast.

I walked over to them "how did you" I said in a whisper

"When Parker was his age he was also pretty fussy when he was sick the only thing that Would calm him down was when I Hum or Sing to him my mom would praise me for it she could never get him to sleep either"  she said in a whisper voice she smiled at the Memory I couldn't help but Admire her. She then stood up still holding him "where do he sleep I'll go put him to bed". She asked  "Upstairs to your left" I said and she nodded before walking upstairs with Danny still in her arms sound asleep

After she put Danny to bed we sat on the couch Catching up. I missed her I missed this we talked about the funny moments we had with our friends and with each other she told me about the time she spent In LA and I told her a little bit about Paris. "So how's Kim I haven't had the chance to go see her yet"

"She's fine off with Taylor somewhere" I said she chuckled

"Yeah that sounds like them"

"Hey we should all hangout again sometime you know You,Me,Taylor,Kim,Zaden,Brain you know like old times" I suggested

"I'd like that actually"

"Oh wait that plan might be a bust I don't have anyone to babysit Danny for that day" I said that's when she looked like she just had an idea

"I can probably get my mom to do it I'm sure her and my dad won't mind she wants to know Danny and so do everyone else" she explained I smiled

"Ok anyways I heard about the wedding for Brian and Zaden you going"

"Of course I am Zadens like a brother to me" she said

"Are you going" she asked

"Of course Brians my-" I was going to say but stopped myself

Brian's my brother I found out in Paris when I went to take the company from my parents they sprung that on me to try and hurt me.

Flash back to Paris.

/ I'm kidding we'll get into that later on in the story/

"My friend...hey why don't we watch a movie or something I- I mean if you don't have anywhere else to be" I asked nervously

"I don't I'm here for Danny I cleared everything for today" she explained I smiled before turning on something on the tv.

A few hours later
We watched scary movies and more Danny woke up once but Alex was able to put him back to sleep which I was grateful for. We sat on the couch no close but a little apart Sharing a cover I couldn't really focus on the movie as my eyes kept glancing at Alex I thought about so many things one being how much I missed her touch. I was so lost in thought that I hadn't even noticed her looking at me.

"Your staring" she said

"Oh right sorry" I said turning my attention back towards the tv but when I turned to look at her again I caught her doing the same thing I was.

"Now who's the one staring" I said jokingly but she just kept staring I got a little worried but then her eyes dropped to my lips and I found myself doing the same subconsciously leaning in she did the same. We inched closer and closer our lips almost meeting until she pulled away.

"I should go check on Danny" she said scurrying away I instantly felt a wave of disappointment did I do something wrong is she still mad at me or something I thought to myself.


End of chapter: short chapter people

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