Chapter 18

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Alex's POV

I walked in the house after a long exhausting morning those basketball scouts are going crazy over me. after the holidays my Contract resets as do every other famous basketball player which means I'm free for the taking if I choose to Sign a new one with a new team. I have over 20 requests and I attended over 9 'meetings all of them trying to Pitch me on to their team for the next Season. So far the things I've been promised haven't disappointed one Guy offered to add an extra 2 million to my already 4 million dollars worth contract plus my own locker room team captain a say so in who joins the team and my own training area which I love the idea of.

I also had another guy offer something similar but instead of 6 million he offered 19 million my own clothing and shoe line and a house or two if I'm being honest I might go with his I don't know for now I'll just wait and see if something better comes around.

I got in the house and shut the door as I was walking in I spotted Hayden on the couch watching tv I really need to talk to her about the adoption thing we have to go to court in a few days to lock that bastard away for good apparently he Survived the gun shot. I've noticed that Haydens been acting different lately since she learned the news and I just hate the fact that she won't talk to me anymore it's like she's Shutting me out which is part of the reason why I've been putting off asking her I figured if I just gave her space she'll come to me on her own and when she do I'll take that opportunity to ask her about it but it's been a while and that hasn't happened so now I think maybe I just have to ask and accept if she says no.

I took my jacket and hat off hanging them both on the rack before walking into the living room "Hey Hayden?" I said gaining her attention as I sat down on the couch next to her she looked up at me "Huh?" She asked "We need to talk" I said her facial expression immediately changed to more of and angry look. "I knew it" she said I looked at her confused "knew what" I asked "Your moving back here I seen the paper on your nightstand" she said I sat there shocked at first until I realized what she was talking about.

The papers on my nightstand were  offers and I took the one I like the most I haven't signed it yet because I don't even know if I'll take it. I sighed "Hayden" I said "No don't Hayden me I told you what will happen to me and you assured me that you'd be there and now your just going to ship me back off to LA with no one while you stay here" she said "Hayden" I called out again trying to calm her down so that I could talk but she wouldn't let me.

"I'll be 18 in 6 months from now and I'll be living on the streets all because you couldn't do the one thing I asked you and not go to the cops" she yelled I just sat there letting her get it out of her system

"I like it here Alex I love your mom your dad is awesome Maddies like my best friend now and for once I actually felt like apart of a family and your just going to get rid of me" she said her voice cracking a bit. the hurt in her voice broke my heart even through this was all just a big misunderstanding I couldn't help but to feel horrible that's when it all clicked was this the reason why she's been avoiding talking to me.

"Your the only person I've got I can't lose you Alex" she said tears Streaming down her face she stood up and was about to walk away when I stopped her "Hayden" I called out again she turned around. "Adoption" was all I said she looked at me confused with her red eyes from all the crying.

"I was supposed to ask you weeks ago but I kept putting it off because I was scared but now I'm not" I said taking a deep breath and standing up to face her. "Will you Take the honor of becoming my daughter" I asked straight up she looked at me wide eyed

"I want to adopt you once this court thing is over and your free of him I want to adopt you and officially make you apart of this family I'll get a big house one that you and Danny will love you'll have your own room then I'll enroll you into the school with Maddison that way you'll know Someone there you know" I said she was speechless.

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