chapter twenty-eight (wylan)

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Wylan was having a minor predicament. According to him, it was so minor that the best solution was to just ignore it... because ignoring your problems makes them disappear.

Wylan's "father" had found the address of the Slat... and started sending letters to him (again), knowing damn well he couldn't read them.

At first, he just tore up the letters, but more and more started to arrive, to the point where he was contemplating putting a paper shredder in the mail slot.

"Jesssssperrrrrrrr." Wylan knocked on Jesper's bedroom door, the more recent letters in hand.

"Come in!" He heard Jesper call from the other side of the room.

Wylan entered to see Jesper halfway under his bed, looking for something. "What the hell are you trying to do?"

"I can't find my... I forgot what I was looking for." 

Wylan laughed before pulling the letters from his pocket, "Can you read these to me?"

"Sure, what is it?" Jesper crawled out from under the bed and instead sat ontop of it, wrinkling the neatly-made bed (Matthias went around every morning to check that beds were made, as if they were in the military or something).

Wylan sat next to him and handed him the envelopes, "They're from my so-called 'dad.'"

Jesper opened the one atop the stack and silent read it to himself, "Wylan, I can't read this to you. This is awful."

"Now I wanna know what it says even more." 

"I'm not saying this shit to you. I don't care if it's your 'dad's' words or not, there is no way in hell that I am reading that to you."


"Because, Wy, I don't want to say that to you."

"Please? I've never read any of his letters, which he probably knows."

Jesper heaved a sigh, "Fine, but only this one."

"Alright." Wylan looked at the letter, which Jesper was holding.

"Your 'father' wrote; 'Wylan, I hope you recognize the mistake you've made. Your stepmother is now pregnant and will birth a more successful heir, one that can read simple sentences. Stop faking. We know you're lying about this dyslexia nonsense. Maybe you'll realize and come to your senses. Otherwise; your half-sibling always will be more loved than you and better in general.'"

Wylan wiped a tear that had fallen, "Geez."

Jesper put the letter to the side, pulling Wylan into a hug, "Hey, your dad is completely wrong. Your struggles are valid, and I love you so much."

"I love you too." Wylan wiped the last of his tears, pulling away and kissing Jesper.

"Jes, I found what you were looking for! It was in the basement." Inej's voice came at the door.

"Leave it at the door! I'm... cleaning my room." Jesper called.

Wylan stifled a laugh, "You're a terrible liar."

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