chapter twenty-six (inej)

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//i promise you that the next chapter will be a nina chapter//

A few hours before her date with Kaz, Inej could be found digging into the depths of her closet for something to wear. The restaurant they were getting dinner at was a fancy one, accompanied by a dress code. She knew Kaz was required to wear dress pants and a button-up (at least), and she was required to wear a semi-formal or formal dress.

Finally, she found a burgundy dress hanging in the back of her closet, it needed to be steamed, but it was her only dress that fit the dress code. 

Nina entered her room whilst Inej was steaming the dress, "Where are you going?"

"Do not tell anyone about this, you may possibly risk an injury." Inej joked, "I'm going on a date... with Kaz."

"Well, that took forever." Nina grinned, opening Inej's small music box, where she knew Inej kept her jewelry. She took a few gold accessories out, including the ring Kaz had gifted her, "These will go well with this dress."

"Alright, thank you, Nina. What should I do with my hair?"

"I can curl it for you." Nina suggested, "I think you would look so pretty with curls."

"Sounds good. I'm done with steaming this, I'll get changed and then you can curl my hair."


"Inej, you look absolutely gorgeous. Kaz will drop dead." Nina said as she finished the last curl, spraying a light amount of hairspray on top.

"I would prefer if he didn't." Inej checked her phone, "I gotta get going now, thank you."

Nina hugged Inej, "Love ya, have fun!"


When Inej went to the main floor, it was empty except for Kaz, who was standing by the door, dressed in a suit and tie.

"Inej, you look amazing," Kaz spoke, the ghost of a smile on his face as he opened the front door for her.

"How gentlemanly, and you don't look too bad yourself." Inej joked before walking through the door.

Kaz chuckled and followed her to the car.


After they had dinner, //a/n: listen, restaurant scenes are boring asf, imo.// the two went to the beach, walking near the coastline, hands linked as they talked.

"I wanted to talk to you about something," Kaz turned to Inej.

"Sure, do you wanna go sit down on the docks?" Inej asked.

"I don't mind." Kaz shrugged.

When they reached the docks, they sat on the edge of an empty one.

"So..?" Inej prompted, swinging her legs.

"I wanted to thank you for this year. You got me through some tough times." Kaz admitted.

"And, thank you for becoming more open recently, I know how hard it was for you." Inej smiled.

"I wanted to know if you would be interested in trying out a relationship." 

"You make it sound like a business proposal." Inej laughed, "But, I want you to be more open, Kaz. I don't want you to fear telling me the things that trouble you."

"I can't promise you that, but I can try my best."

"I'll take that." Inej squeezed his hand.

The two sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes, watching as fireworks were set off in the city, announcing the start of the new year.



His voice was quiet and raspy, "Can I kiss you?"

Inej was taken aback, "Yes."

Kaz inched closer, and eventually closed the space between them with a kiss, it was short, but the meaning it held was extensive.

When Kaz pulled away, he was trembling, but not nearly as much as expected. He smiled at the outcome, placing an arm around her shoulder, prompting her to lean against him, tired, but happy.

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