chapter twenty-seven (nina)

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The Crows (the ones who weren't on a long-awaited date) were having a horror movie night in the basement, where Matthias was hiding under a blanket and Wylan was curled up next to Jesper, jumping at any and everything.

"Alright, it's over. So, what'd you think?" Nina asked Wylan and Matthias since Jesper had already seen it. They had finished the movie at around 1 am.

"Never again will I let you guys organize a movie night." Wylan narrowed his eyes at Nina.

"It was fine." Matthias took the blanket off of him.

Nina raised an eyebrow, "Alright, well, happy New Year, I'm going to bed."

"Night." Jesper and Wylan said in unison.

Matthias followed her, "Can we never watch one of those again?" He asked when he sat down on her bed. Matthias tended to sleep in her room more often over the past week, not for any particular reason, it just happened and soon became a habit.

"Jesper and I can have separate horror movie nights, we don't have to watch them on the regular ones if it makes you uncomfortable." Nina shrugged, throwing her hair into a messy bun before getting into bed beside Matthias (they both were already in their pajamas).

Matthias got up and turned off the lights before getting back in bed, Nina snuggling up to him.

"Goodnight, Nina, I love you," Matthias spoke into the darkness.

Nina smiled, "I love you too."


"Morning," Nina said to the others when she went to the kitchen for breakfast, Matthias in tow. She noticed Kaz was smiling whilst he was talking to Inej. "Is Kaz smiling?"

A chorus of ooooo's echoed from Wylan and Jesper from the couch, where they were playing Uno.

"I hate you all," Kaz grumbled.

"You don't hate Inej." Jesper teased.

Inej shot a glare at Jesper, warning him.

"So, Matthias, since you don't seem to be using your room anymore, may I use it for something else?" Kaz commented, taking a sip of his coffee. "And Wylan; just move into Jesper's room at this point, it's fucking annoying to wake up to hear you switching rooms."

Inej stifled a laugh as the room went silent.

That silence was broken by Jesper's laughter. When he stopped laughing, he looked at Wylan, "Wy, you can be in my bed anytime."

Wylan lightly slapped him on the arm and Nina joined in on the laughter, Matthias turned away shaking his head, giving up on the mindless conversation.

"On a serious note, I have some things to attend to; mainly emails that I still need to reply to." Nina sighed, leaving the room and heading back to her bedroom, where she pulled out her laptop and started to reply to an email from an old school friend who had been checking up on her.

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