chapter five (matthias)

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Matthias was frusturated. He couldn't go one week without seeing one of the Dregs in pain, sick, or even just out of it, and he was always worried about which one would get hurt next. Of course, he could never mention this to them, that's practically asking to be teased.

"Matthias, did you get the things I asked you to get?" Kaz asked when he had walked through the door at around 2 in the morning. Everyone was sitting around in the living room, except Inej, who was likely out on some task that Kaz had ordered for her to do.

Matthias nodded, shrugging his coat off and bringing a paper bag over to Kaz.

Kaz inspected the contents, making sure everything was correct. "Alright, you're good to go, have your stuff ready, we're leaving at seven."

Matthias nodded once again, heading to his room. Nina's ring still hung around his neck on the piece of rope, and Matthias didn't know exactly how to feel over the fact that Nina had given him a ring. Obviously, the ring had no important significance, but Matthias still didn't know how to feel.

"Go to bed, you need rest for tomorrow." Nina's voice sounded at the door.

"Says the girl who stays up late every night, watching cheesy rom-coms," Matthias replied, opening the door.

Nina narrowed her eyes at him, "Have it your way, but, don't complain to me that you're tired. Complain to Kaz, maybe he'll smack you with his cane, that'll wake you right up."

"Goodnight, Nina," Matthias said, closing the door.


A few raps came from the door, and Kaz's rough voice followed. "Matthias, get up."

Matthias got up, and Kaz continued down the hall, waking the others up.

Matthias obviously knew how freezing the journey to the North Pole would be, and Matthias didn't want to freeze to death, especially while they're supposed to be killing someone. He threw on the thickest clothing he had- a pair of fleece-lined black jeans and a deep red wool sweater. He'd save the rest of the layers for later. He grabbed the duffle bag he'd packed the day before, which didn't have too much, as Kaz wanted everyone to keep the load light.

When he entered the kitchen, it was a quarter until six,

"Eat quick," Kaz ordered, taking a sip of his coffee as he made sure that they had everything.

Inej entered the room, from what Matthias could see, her wrist was wrapped, but it looked like it continued under her sleeve.

"Nina, I was holding off on this until now, you need to heal Inej's arm." Kaz said.

(a/n: yes grisha still exist

did I just decide that?


Nina nodded, heading over to Inej. "I'm not a Healer, but I can try."

Nina pushed Inej's sleeve up, unwrapping the bandage that covered nearly her whole arm, revealing a badly cut arm.

"Inej, you're lucky these aren't too deep. Kaz, you should've come to me last night, she could've got an infection." Nina evaluated.

"Who are you to tell me what I should and shouldn't do? It didn't seem that bad, so I decided to wait until morning." Kaz glared at Nina.

"Well, next time, don't do that." Nina went back to examining Inej's arm, before healing it, the wounds disappearing and leaving behind faint scars, Inej's tattoo was now visible to everyone, and they could all guess who it was, though, it was wise that none of them said a word, considering the fact that it wouldn't go over well with Kaz.

"Thank you," Inej said before rolling her sleeve back down and tossing the bandage in the trash.

"Alright, hurry up. You have five minutes, then we're leaving." Kaz decided.

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