chapter twenty-four (inej)

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The seas were rough, a storm brewing in the sky above as Inej started to secure things and move some below deck. As the rain started to pour down in heavy bullets, Inej started to rush, gathering fishing equipment from when part of the crew was fishing earlier in the day.

"Ghafa, Specht is warning you to get below deck, it's going to get more dangerous." One of the crew members, Anthony, warned, grabbing some fishing equipment as well.

"Yes, yes, I'll be down in a moment. Please take these down there for me." Inej handed him a bag of equipment and wiped her face off with her hand, which proved to be useless, considering the fact that the rain continued to pelt down.

As she walked, looking for anything that was left out, she stepped on a loose floorboard that she hadn't noticed before. She bent down and lifted it up, the rain pounding on her back. Inside the small storage space was a letter, along with a small box. She picked the items up and hid them inside her jacket before placing the floorboard back in its place and finally heading below deck.

When she entered her room, she immediately changed and got into warmer clothes, as well as wringing her hair out with a towel. Once this was done, she opened the letter, which was addressed to her.


I wish the seas are treating you well. I will be praying to whoever these Saints are that you believe in that you come back unscathed (I'm sure you will, and on your own means, not by theirs.)


Inej opened the small box, inside was a simple ring, engraved with whimsical patterns that resembled the sea. It fit on her middle finger so perfectly that it seemed made just for her.

She took a thumbtack from a jar in her suitcase, pinning the note to the wall. 

A knock sounded at her door, "We're gonna be playing some games in the shared room, do you wanna join us?"

"Yeah, just a second," Inej replied, stashing the box in her suitcase and rebraiding her hair.

//so sorry that this is so short! i got writer's block w this chap so... take this brief chapter for the moment.//

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