chapter ten (kaz)

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there was originally a chapter order but i decided to throw the order out the window


"Hello, Inej," Kaz greeted without turning around to face her as he wrote something on a crumpled piece of paper, sensing her presence behind him.

"What did you do to Oomen?" She asked, looking out at the ocean and climbing up to sit on the side of the ship.

Kaz was merely distracted by her hair billowing behind her as she swung her legs back and forth. "Not much... shot him in the stomach, stabbed him in the heart, and threw him in the water. Was contemplating doing more."

Inej hid her shock well, "Will we be there soon?"

"Likely by tomorrow." Kaz nodded.

"Yay," Inej said sarcastically.

"What was it you wanted me to apologize for?"

"It doesn't matter."

"Well, I hope you're ready to shimmy down a chimney."

"Of course I am." Inej waved him off.

"The Wraith is back in action!" Jesper grinned, hitting her lightly on her back.

"Indeed. By the way, Jesper, I think Wylan wants to talk to you." Inej pointed behind him, to where Wylan was standing.

"Alright, I'll see you later." Jesper walked away, and, from what Inej could see, Jesper kept the conversation short.


"Jesper, get up." Kaz re-entered Jesper's cramped cabin for the fourth time.

"Jesper cannot come to the phone right now, he is busy enjoying his beauty sleep," Jesper mumbled into his pillow.

"Well, that so-called 'beauty sleep' seems to be doing a real shitty job, so I suggest you stop wasting your time on it and get your ass out of bed." Kaz pushed the crow head of his cane into Jesper's face, nudging him.

"Thanks for that real nice wake-up call." Jesper rolled his eyes, getting out of bed before hitting his head on the ceiling... the ship was not meant for anyone over 5'10, everyone over that seems to have trouble with the ceiling getting in their way.

"Get ready, put on warm clothes, and make sure they're all black," Kaz ordered before leaving the room, shutting the door behind him.

"Kaz, bring these with you." Inej emerged out of the darkness and begun walking alongside him, she pushed a few pieces of jet black leather into his gloved hands.

Kaz raised an eyebrow, looking at the items, which were two pairs of gloves. "An intelligent thought, Wraith. I suppose you were a worthy investment."

Inej rolled her eyes, which was an action barely visible in the dim light of the hallway. "You do have a plan to get out of there, correct?"

"Of course I do."

"Alright, just checking."

"You have your shoes, right?"

"As always."

"Extra hair ties?"


"Alright, well, grab a dry, stale croissant from Nina over there. Get water as well."

"You do the same."

"I will, I'm just going to go make sure Jesper is still awake."

"That's probably a good idea."

"I'm full of them."

"You might want to rethink that."

With that, Kaz walked off, the familiar sound of his cane clunking against the wood of the ship's deck. 

"Jesper, are you awake?" Kaz shouted.

"Yep, morning." Jesper spun his guns in his hands before smoothly placing them back in the holsters, coming from Wylan's room.

Wylan followed, "Jesper, you forgot the bomb! You can't use the bomb if you don't have the bomb. Oh, morning Kaz."

"Go upstairs and get breakfast." Kaz narrowed his eyes at the two of them.

Wylan nodded, walking away.

"Jesper, you too."

"Alright, alright." Jesper walked past Kaz, brushing against him slightly.

"Give me my wallet back." 

Jesper rolled his eyes, tossing the leather wallet back to Kaz.

"Go upstairs and eat breakfast with the others and your boyfriend."

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