The Second Battle

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-"You're not going anywhere! Give me the nutcracker!" the Mouse King had closed the door, and he stood in front of it, holding his sword.


-"No, you can't have him!" I backed away as he followed me, pointing the sword at me with every step.

-"Give him to me! I want the nutcracker!"

-"No! You can't have him! Never!"

-"No? NO!! Then I'll have your sweet little kitten" he began to run to her.

-"NO, STOP! Oh, nutcracker, what should I do?" I sat on my knees.

-"Oh uncle Drosselmeyer! Help me please!" he appeared on the clock once more, releasing the golden rays of dust once more. All the toy's had woken up once more, so I placed the nutcracker on the ground.

-"I-I need a sword" he said.

-"A sword! A sword! Pantaloon, please!" I took the sword he had.

-"But-but my sword!"

-"Thank you" I told him, and gave it to the nutcracker.

-"Well, well, well, the Prince of Dolls has woken up and even has a sword," the Mouse King laughed out.

-"Ooh Scary!" he teased, and his army of mice that had suddenly come out, laughed.

-"Oh, nutcracker, do be careful!"

-"Don't worry, miss Y/n" he hand bowed and had his back turned, the Mouse King began to walk forward.

-"Nutcracker!" I moved him out of the way, and instead of the sword hitting him it hit my hand.

-"Ow" I said as quietly as I could so the nutcracker wouldn't get distracted.

-"Your crooked tail coward!" Pantaloon yelled from above.

-"Crooked Tail?!"

-"You despicable rodent!"

They began to battle, each one throwing their swords forward to try and hurt each other, although the nutcracker seemed to be only blocking the hits instead. Eventually the Mouse King disarmed the nutcracker and threw him into a chair.

He got up and ran for his sword that was stuck on the Christmas tree. But it wasn't just bad for the nutcracker, the Mouse King landed in the fireplace, burning his whole bottom. As he yelled in pain, it gave the nutcracker enough time to try and pull his sword out.


I am so so sorry for not updating! My parents surprised us for Christmas taking us on a camping trip and there was no internet or service.

I even took my computer but there was no service so nothing was working.

I'm really sorry.

I'll post four chapters today though!


The Nutcracker Prince (The Nutcracker x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now