Bed Time

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-"If there is such a place! And even if there is he'll still be a nutcracker"

-"No, no, no, the spell will be broken if he slays the Mouse King!"

-"You didn't tell me that!"

-"And besides, he'll be lonely, and what if he never slays the Mouse king? And what if-"

-"I think that's enough questions for one night, I best be going dear, "

-"No, don't leave, I still have questions!" I pulled on his jacket.

-"I must go, but I'll be back soon"

-"Good night dear, and Merry Christmas!" with that he left.

-"Goodnight..." I said quietly, with the poor nutcracker still in thought.

The rest of the night was boring, I watched people dance as I ate a few treats and cake. But nothing seemed to interest me as much as the story had, I had so many questions. Although it was boring, time had gone rather quickly, guests had started to leave and the last person left in the room was Erik.

Louise and him were acting all lovey dovey not wanting to leave each other until mother and father said it was time for bed. I giggled and stuck my tongue out at her after she closed the door. I walked up to my room and got ready for bed.

-A Few Hours Later-


I couldn't sleep, I sat, hugging my knees, looking out the window. It was snowing out, there was an owl perched on a tree 'hooing'. It looked peaceful and quiet.

I still couldn't sleep so I snuck downstairs quietly. The stairs made a creaky sound as I went down, as well as Pavlova's little bell that jingled at her every step. The grand clock in the parlor ticked every second, making a quiet sound.

I tiptoed to the cabinet that held my dolls, opening it quietly I picked up the nutcracker.

-"Hello Nutcracker" I whispered quietly.

-"Poor Nutcracker, stupid Fritz breaks everything!" I looked at his teeth that had been knocked out.

-"Don't worry though, uncle Drosselmeyer will fix you up soon!"

-"Are you enjoying your new home? Would you like to meet some of your subjects?" I set him down by the table under the mirror.

-"Of course your highness, how thoughtless of me" I walked back to the cabinet picking up the first doll.

-"This is Marie, my new doll, she's pretty isn't she?"

-"And let me present Trudy, she's my oldest doll"

-"She's very kind, and in a way mother-like"

-"This is Pantaloon, a very distinguished soldier"

-"He's kinda old and worn...too many battles, he really tries..."

-"But his poor leg does silly things"

-"I have shown you all the dolls that will serve you faithfully"


Sorry for the late chapters!

I hope you enjoy!


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