Story Time Part 3

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-"Really? What type of father would give their daughter away like that?"

-"It's how the story goes, do you want me to continue?" he asked and I nodded in response.

-"Alright, now Drosselmeyer and Hans had run off to tell all the nobility, making sure to tell them not to wear boots"

-"Noblemen came from all parts of the Kingdom to try their luck,"

-"One by one they were blindfold-"

-"Why were they blindfolded?"

-"Because the Princess was just too ugly to be seen"

-"Only the King and Queen were allowed to see and Drosselmeyer along with young Hans, who held on a velvet cushion the amazing nut"

-"One by one every man broke their teeth trying to open the nut, and the Mouse Queen, who was hiding behind a column, laughed at the scene..."

-"Proclaiming to her son that not one of these men would break that nut"

-"One by one they all continued to try and not one succeeded, until the last remained...but he ended up with broken teeth too"

-"Oh no! The poor men!" I said trying to take the image of men breaking their teeth out of my mind.

-"The Mouse Queen cheered happily while the Queen and poor Princess cried"

-"The King, who had grown tired and frustrated that the curse had not been opened ordered that Drosselmeyer's head be copped off"

-"Oh no!"

-"But! But Hans who felt bad for the princess and didn't want Drosselmeyer's head cut off tried his luck"

-"He took off his shoes, and broke the nut, handing it to the Princess, the Mouse Queen was left with her mouth opened in shock"

-"Everyone was happy, the Queen and King for their daughter and Drosselmeyer and Hans to be able to keep their heads"

-"But that was not all that was left, he still had to walk 7 steps backwards"

-"On his sixth step the Mouse Queen ran and bit his ankle, cursing him to be a nutcracker"

-"Hans stumbled against a statue, turning into a nutcracker, and the rows of statues kept falling until they fell on the Mouse Queen"

-"What happened after?"

-"The Mouse Queen's only son became the Mouse King, promising to seek revenge on Hans for killing his mother, Drosselmeyer was banished from the Kingdom forever because..."

-"Because the he King and Princess became angered by the fact that the soon to be son-in-law or prince was a nutcracker, they laughed at him but declared that Hans would be the prince of the dolls, but never of their Kingdom"

-"And Hans has stayed a nutcracker ever since, waiting for Drosselmeyer to find a way to break his curse"

-"That's a terrible story, Hans should have become Prince of the land and lived Happily Ever After"

-"Well, he is kind of a Prince"

-"Yeah, Prince of the dolls" I scoffed out.

-"Exactly, and he will rule over the land of the dolls"


I hope you enjoyed!


The Nutcracker Prince (The Nutcracker x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin