Story Time Part 1

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-"Once upon a time..."

-"There was a fine looking young man named Hans, who was an apprentice to his uncle Christian Drosselmeyer"

-"The royal clockmaker, to the queen and king"

-"But that's your name," I interrupted.

-"Yes, well..."

-"Hans was, Hans had just turned 16, he was bit self conscious like all boy's his age"

-"He had dark hair, not too handsome, but with a certain charm"

-"He liked his job and was of great help to his uncle,"

-"His uncle who looked after all the clocks in the castle"

-"The castle where the noble King and his charming Queen lived along with their beautiful daughter..."

-"Princess Pirlipat, she was around 15, I believe"

-"That's my age!" I interrupted once more.

-"In this particular day, everyone was rushing like mad, for it was the King's birthday"

-"And he had invited a long list of Dukes and Duchesses and Ladies to celebrate the day with him"

-"The Queen was in the kitchen, hard at work, making the royal birthday cake"

-"Oh, and this was no ordinary cake, it was a blue cheese cake"

-"Blue cheese? Yuck!" I asked in disgust.

-"Yes, dear, it was his favorite too"

-"All of us sudden the Mouse Queen appeared"

-"The Mouse Queen demanded cheese for her and her subjects as well as her only son"

-"And the Queen to afraid to do anything slumped on the floor and cried"

-"Some Queen" I huffed, annoyed, while uncle Drosselmeyer laughed.

-"Well the King didn't take patience too well, he was too anxious and hungry to wait any longer"

-"The King complained and demanded that the cake be brought to him"

-"The castle guards ran to the kitchen and looked in disgust at the squashed and half eaten cake that was set on the table"

-"With a Queen crying her eyes out and a whining King, they took the their chances on taking the weird, lumpy cake"

-"The princess complained, saying she wouldn't take a bite causing to the King to feel disappointed, and the Queen had made her way from the kitchen to the banquet hall, crying all the way there"

-"She explained that the Mouse Queen had eaten the cake, and the King fumed with anger, ordered everyone to look for the Mouse Queen"

-"But when the King found out they had to catch the Mouse Queen he sent Hans and his uncle after her"


I hope you enjoy the three chapter's!


The Nutcracker Prince (The Nutcracker x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin