The Mouse King

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The small sword tore the sofa chair's fabric and out came a mouse, almost the size of Pavlova, laughing maniacally. The large mouse wore a crown and a very dark blue-ish green shirt. He climbed onto a different sofa chair and began to talk.

-"Salute you monarch!" he demanded.

-"Long Live The Mouse King!" they cheered, and all the little mice raised their 'weapons' happily cheering.

-"The Mouse King? Can't be? It was just a story..."

I turned over to the clock, where uncle Drosslmeyer was still standing and he opened his coat once more allowing more of the golden rays of dust near the cabinet. All of my doll's came to life, they stretched and began to talk.

-"I say, what's all the commotion" Pantaloon asked, while looking around.

-"Why, it's the middle of the night, I need my rest" Marie, my new doll, said as she stretched.

-"Where am I?" the nutcracker asked, looking around.

-"Get up, get up! You're in great danger!" Trudy warned. The nutcracker seemed to be in as much shock as I was.

-"The Mouse King's after you!" she pointed at the Mouse King who was standing on top of the sofa chair.

-"I NEED REVENGE!" the Mouse King started and stopped for a while thinking before continuing.

-"Today the King of mice, tonight the King of Dolls, tomorrow the King of everything!" he laughed once more, and Pavlova jumped out of my arms running to hide.

Marie and Trudy talked to the nutcracker while I tried to see what I could do to help out. The nutcracker used a rope to reach the bottom, and began to direct the troop of doll soldiers into battle with the mice. One by one they slid down the rope and got into positions.

Pantaloon had been given a big role, due to his experience in battle. But he didn't seem to be so sure of himself. The horses and soldiers got into position and readied the cannons and began to battle. They fired cannons, which blasted out little round marbles, and they fired guns which let out little corks.

Trudy began to climb down to help the army, but not before telling Marie to help as well. Marie didn't like the idea of getting dirty so she refused.

-"Please Marie, I'll buy you new dresses!" I begged her.

-"Oh, why me?" she questioned before she slid down the rope.

I giggled at the little mouse that chased Marie with a small fork, I picked it up, took the fork away and gave it to Marie.

-"Thank you" she looked at it weirdly before someone stained her dress with something causing her to go on full rage mode.

Poor Pantaloon kept babbling on and on about something until he got hurt and laid on the ground. But he ultimately just kept going on a few minutes later. I turned over to the nutcracker and they had dropped an instrument on him. 


Last chapter for today! 

I'll try to post tomorrow's chapters a bit earlier.


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