Chapter 29 - A day out, Library Creep and Its you!

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Simiran's POV

I woke up to see Brooke staring at my from above.

"Aahhhh what the fuck do you think your doing!" I yelled while falling off the bed.

"What I was just looking at you." she replied.

"Creeping." I corrected her.

"No observing ." she replied.

I just ignored her and got up from the floor.
I headed straight into the bathroom and got ready and took a shower.

- 30 mins later ....-

I finally exited the bathroom and was all ready.
Brooke was now no where to be seen in my room so I figured she was downstairs with the others.
I made my bed and headed downstairs.

I went to the kitchen and found everyone was sitting there.... except John.

I just looked down at the ground and walked over to the fridge to get a glass of blood and some breakfast.
I didn't want to stay in the kitchen but Bella sent me a mind message.....

"Hey come eat with us, or you won't get into university and we will be split up."

I laughed to myself , Bella had the worst threats but then again I wanted to go to Oxford university sometime .

So I turned around and headed to the table.

I sat between Brooke and Bella.

"Hey guys who is this?" John spoke while entering the kitchen.

"Oh this is Brooke , long lost friend she's also a vamp." Bella spoke.

Brooke still didn't look up from her plate but kept on eating.

"Okay then nice to meet you Brooke I'm John." John spoke while taking a seat across from Brooke.

I nudged Brooke on the side and she finally looked up.
But when she did , her eyes went wide.

"What's wrong Brooke ." Bella asked.

"It was you .... you turned me." Brooke spoke while looking at John.

John immediately realized who he was talking to and his eyes went wide as well.

"I .... it was a mistake." John started.
" I was thirsty for blood and I .... I'm sorry I couldn't find anyone else. " he continued.

John was the one that turned Brooke.
Brown hair : CHECK! ✅
Brown eyes : CHECK! ✅
Tan skin : CHECK! ✅

I blocked everyone out for a second or maybe longer.
I just thought about everything thing that happened.

Then I felt someone shaking me lightly.
My thought box had closed and I was brought back into reality.

"Simiran are you okay love?" Kevin asked his hands still placed on my shoulders.

I forced a smile on my face.
" I'm fine ." I spoke.

I looked at everybody else at the table , Bella and Austin were confused , Taman was eating his food not giving any shits , Rachel was on her phone but was giving me ugly looks ,and John and Brooke ..... were not yelling anymore but smiling.

Wait what?!?!

"It's ok I guess , my life was horrible anyways ." Brooke spoke.

What the hell did I miss?!?!

I looked at John and he just smiled back at Brooke.

Ok that's it !

I got up from the table and headed upstairs to my room .

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