Chapter 27 - I thought you died??

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"Hello Is anyone there." I spoke

"Simiran is that you ?, Long time no see." A feminine voice spoke.

(Present Time)
Simiran's POV

"Who are you?" I spoke with enough confidence.

" You already forgot me?" She spoke softly.

"Please don't hurt me." I begged her.

"Don't worry I won't hurt you Gill." she spoke again.

Why did that sound so familiar?

That's it!
One of my old friends use to call me that.
My nickname for her used to be book.
Haha get it book >Brooke.

Her name was Brooke Messina , she was just a regular girl.
Bella and I were super close to her, we were like the three musketeers.

We used to be obsessed with vampire movies but we all knew they are fake and vampires weren't real.
But they are.
Brooke's parents had gone on a vacation and Brooke decided not to go so she stayed alone in the flat.

We used to hangout and call each other every night .
Since my parents died she was the only thing that I had left along with Bella.
But one night .... she just .... left us all and disappeared.

- Flash Back -

Ring ring ring ring

"Hello?" I spoke into the phone.

"Hey!, What's up Gill?" Brooke asked.

"Oh hey , nothing much just you know getting better from the car incident thing." I spoke while taking a deep breath in.

"I'm sorry for what happened to your parents gill , I'm always here for you and will never leave." she spoke.
"I promise." she continued.

" Thanks and ditto." I replied.

"But anyways I Lo....."
She spoke but paused.

" Book you there?" I asked.
"Brooke answer me." I spoke again starting to get worried.

10 seconds later.

"Yea sorry I am hearing weird whispering and shuffling in my flat." She spoke with a frightened voice .

" Should I come over and bring Bella?" I asked her .

" No it's fine I'm o......"
She started but got cut off.

Then I heard the phone drop and a scream.

"Brooke ! Brooke!." I screamed into the phone

-FlashBack Ends-

I still remember that moment.

We found out that she had died but I didn't get a lot of detail how.
All I knew was that someone was in her house and that person or whatever killed her.

"Simiran , gill you there?!" She spoke again while waving her hand in front of my face.

It was her Brooke.

"Brooke ! Is that you?" I asked with excitement.
She looked different she had dyed her hair to a red and got a few tattoos.

"I missed you so much Simiran." she spoke before giving me a hug.

" I thought you died? How are you still alive ?" I asked her.

" Well that day "I died " I didn't actually die , the person that was in my house was a vampire, and I know you won't BELIVE me but he bit into my neck and drained all my blood but he ended up turning me and didn't know, I don't know him or anything about him I just remember he had brown hair and brown eyes with tan skin." she spoke.

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