Chapter 16 - "Your dead...."

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Simiran's POV

I just told John where I am , hopefully he will come and get me out of here.

" I told you not to tell him , your going to die now." said the mystery person.

I still didn't know what he looked like because he wore a mask that covered his face.
I knew it was a male, and I sensed he was a vampire.

I couldn't use any of my powers because he hurt me to much, I had cuts and bruises all over my body.
I couldn't heal fast enough.

"Now , we are playing a little game sweetheart." he spoke.

A shiver went up my spine when he called me " sweetheart."
That word just disgusted me,coming from his mouth.

"Please don't do this!" I shouted with fear.

"No, sorry I have to, you shouldn't have told John where you were." he spoke.

I tried to escape but I couldn't , I was tied to a chair.

I saw him pull a stool and a cart with knifes and wooden sticks over.
He sat down on the stool in front of me and took a knife off the cart beside him and looked back at me.

"Who are you? , Are you that scared to show yourself?" I asked him.

He laughed and then he started to remove his mask.

Who was this person?
I was finally going to find out.

He removed the mask revealing.....

He was the guy that was in the alley, when Kevin had saved me.

" I thought Kevin killed you ? " I spoke to him.

" Oh , no he didn't sweetheart he killed my twin or should I say the shapeshifter." he spoke coldly .

At this moment I was just terrified, this can't be happening.

" Now where were we....." He spoke as he looked at me then at the knife in his hand.

He took the knife and stabbed it down right into my left thigh.

I screamed cause of the pain.
I saw my blood pour out like a river flowing down a hill.
My blood had leaked through and stained my grey high waisted shorts I was wearing.

He then took the knife out , which made me scream in pain again.

I started getting dizzy, I was loosing to much blood, plus I couldn't heal fast enough.

" .... don't do this...." I begged him, while crying.

"Honey we have just started." he spoke coldly.

I was about to argue back but then I felt a pain on my side and then everything went dark........

I am going to die?!?!

Johns POV

Taman, Kevin, and I we just arrived in front of the barn.

We heard two loud ear shattering, ear piercing screams....... it was Simiran.

We got wooden stakes, and some guns but instead of actual bullets we made wooden bullets and put those in instead.

I took the gun and tucked it into the waist band of my shorts. I held on to the wooden stake though.

"Let's go get her. " I spoke competitively.

We went up to the main door and kicked it down.

Inside, we saw the dude walking around licking the knifes with blood on them.

Simiran's blood.......

We automatically knew he was a vampire.

"It's him , no it can't be." Kevin spoke shocked.

"Wait didn't you kill him ?" Taman and I asked him quietly.

"Yea I did, or so I thought." He spoke.

The guy must of heard us cause he automatically stopped what he was doing and looked our way.

"Well well well , look who we have here, coming to save her?, To bad already killed her." the man spoke.

Did he really?
No he didn't.
He's lying.

" I thought I killed you that night." Kevin spoke looking at the man.

" You killed my twin , or the shapeshifter." he explained.
"I'm finally going to kill you and be the only vampire left." he continued.

My normal brown eyes had vanished revealing my deep red bloodshot eyes, my fangs had come out.

" I'm going to kill you ." I spoke.
"You're dead......" I continued.

Taman went left and Kevin went right, I headed straight towards him.

He pushed Taman and knifed Kevin in leg.

It was just me, suddenly the man started charging towards me.

I pulled out the gun that was tucked into my shorts and aimed at his stomach, and legs.

1 shot, 2 shots , and 3 shots.... he's down.

I kneel down beside him and I take the wooden stake and point it directly at his heart.

"I hate you, and your going to die." I spoke.
" Say bye to this world." I continued.

He was about to say something but I cut him off by stabbing the wooden stake straight into his heart.

His skin automatically turned very pale and he shrivelled up, you could see the veins through his skin, and he closed his eyes.... he was dead.

I got up on my feet, I looked at Taman he got up on his feet and then looked at me.

I just looked at him and was about to say something but Kevin started coughing.

We looked towards him he was on the ground healing slowly.

"A little help here." he choked out.

We helped him up on his feet.
He looked down at his stomach, the cut had vanished he was fully healed again.

We heard small screams and muffled cries coming further down from the barn.

Simiran she was still alive..... we have to help her.

I quickly ran in the direction from where the screams came from.

I saw a door and I opened it ...... there she was.

She looked terrible, she had deep cuts and bad bruises, she looked super pale, and it looked like she wasn't going to make it.

I felt tears escape from my eyes making their way down my pale cheeks and then they just fall.

" You saved me , thank youu...I " she spoke but then cut off.

She closed her eyes and then just stopped breathing.

"Simiran , love, wake up please." I started crying harder.

The boys rushed in and saw what had happened.
They started crying to.

"Call Bella , and tell her to get the medical supplies out." I yelled at them.

Taman automatically took his phone out and dialled Bella's number.

Bella was talking about how her mother was a nurse and how she had learned to stitch up cuts, and help the person live.

I untied Simiran and picked her up bridal style in my arms. I was really gentle and careful trying not to hurt her more then she already is.

Taman came back into the room.

"Bella is waiting for us at the flat." he spoke.

I nodded and just pushed past them.

I am going to save her.

She is going to live.
I love you.
I.... love .... you.
Don't leave me.

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