Chapter 6- Awaken

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Simiran's POV

I woke up In a not so familiar place.
Where am I?

I remember what had happened last night.
Me walking home alone, the vampires, Kevin's a vampire, and then I fainted cause the vampire bit me.

I reached up to my neck to feel the bite.
But it wasn't there, was it all a dream?

No it can't be.

I looked down at my skin and it was very pale, I felt different, I felt cold.

I got up from the bed and went to look at myself in the mirror.

I had bloodshot eyes, and my fangs were showing.

No I can't be a vampire I can't.

Who turned me?

Just then Kevin entered the room.

"Hey , your awake , I brought you back to my place because of what happened last night." he spoke.

He opened his mouth to say something but then he noticed my appearance and stayed quiet.

"Hey , what happened to me why do I have fangs and bloodshot eyes?" I asked him.

He looked at me then looked away.

"You ..... yesterday you got bitten by a vampire , yes they exist,I brought you here and I figured that you weren't going to make it you we're loosing to much blood so I did the only thing that could keep you alive I ..... I turned you into one of my kind.... a vampire ." he spoke.

A vampire.... when those two words fell from his mouth I froze.

" It can't be .... they don't.... why should have just l...let me die." I told him.

" No , if I let you die I have nothing." he spoke.

I looked up at him.

" What do you mean?" I asked him.

He told me about him and Austin that they were vampires, and how his and Austin's family was killed by humans.

" Hey, a question , do you know how my family died?" I asked him.

" A Nope not at all." he spoke.

Kevin's POV

She sat there asking me how her family died .

I couldn't tell her.
I just told her I didn't know how they died and who did it.

" Hey , let me tell you a few things about being a vampire." I told Simiran.

" First of all drink this." I told her.

I gave her a glass full of animal blood.

Without thinking twice she chugged it down.

Her bloodshot eyes faded away revealing beautiful brown eyes with a small amount of emerald in them.

Her fangs had vanished back into her gums and her normal teeth had came back.

"Okay one we drink animal blood, we could drink human blood but that would make us super dangerous and out of control." I told her she just nodded.

" Two, if you happen to drink from a human don't drink to much cause you don't want to kill them and then the cops will be on our ass, after you drank a bit from them glamour then." I continued to speak.

"Glamour , is a power we have its one of our powers actually, it's when you look into the humans eyes and control them basically like hypnotizing them." I spoke to her.

I told everything she needed to know but how is Bella going to act when she finds out?

But most importantly Austin is going to be at our flat when Bella and Simiran are going to be over, and he probably is planning on telling the girls his greatest moment, when he killed there parents......
He didn't know that the people he killed were their parents.

I need to stop him.

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