Chapter 22 - Plane Adventures!

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John's POV

We are on the flight right now, only one more hour and then we arrive in California.

Everybody is sitting with a partner ......

Bella and Austin
Taman and Kevin

Then it's .....

Simiran and I.

Simiran is sitting by the window seat then I'm next to her.

It is now 8:00 and Simiran is sleeping with her head laying on my shoulder.
I look over at the others.
Kevin is sleeping but snoring loudly.
Taman has his head on Kevin's chest and Kevin has one arm wrapped around Taman.

I laugh to myself silently then look over at Bella and Austin.
Bella has her head on Austin's chest and Austin is laying his head on Bella's head.

I'm pretty sure they're dating, hopefully they tell the group cause they are super bad at hiding the fact they are dating.

I smiled and turned back to Simiran.

The flight attendant was coming up and down the aisles.
I stopped her.

"Excuse me , how much longer is this flight?" I asked the flight attendant.

"Yes, we will arrive in about 5 minutes." she spoke and started walking away.

I smiled and rested my head on top of Simiran's and started humming the song "On top of the world."

Suddenly there was an announcement.


I lifted my head up and looked at everyone , they all were getting up and ready.
I looked back at Simiran ... she was still sleeping.
Should I wake her up?

The plane came to a stop and the announcements came on once again....


I took off my seatbelt , and I already noticed that the others are already gone.

I slowly got up to get my luggage but it wasn't there...... Taman probably took it.

I went back over to Simiran and tried shaking her softly.....

"Simiran wake up .... wake up."
I spoke.

She just groaned and fell back asleep.

" Please please." I begged her.

Still nothing!
I sighed then I came up with an idea.....
I reached over her and opened the small plane window making the sun shine through and onto her face.

She stirred around then finally....

"I'm up I'm up." she spoke.

I let a small laugh out but it was a bad idea because she gave me a death glare.
I automatically shut up.

"Please give me a piggy back ride." she begged.

I nodded and she got on my back.
We both hurried off the plane before it takes off again.

We met the rest outside the airport.
They were sitting in a cab, so I took Simiran off my back and held the door open for her to get in.

She thanked me and got in , I smiled and got in to.

The cab started and we had told the driver where to go.

Home here we come!

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