Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Ralf had drove us to a small restaurant in the middle of town. It was pretty old, in appearance and in theme. The outside was made of metals that were bolted together. Making it look rustic. The metal had clearly been worn down and the rain had turned part of it rusty. The front of the building had large glass windows, giving yo a great view of the outside. The large windows filled the restaurant/diner with light, making it warmer and – almost – homer. Inside was themed like an sixties American diner. The tables made of metal, red and white striped seats and pictures of Elvis, Aubrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe and Elton John are mounted on the walls. Stars of the sixties. This place reminds me of some of the diners back home. We don't usually go to them. Mum and Dad are a bit of food snobs – although Starbucks is okay.

'I'll have the all day breakfast with a side of beans. And a large coffee.' Ralf orders his food and the waitress scribbles down his order. She's a older, plump lady with jet black hair. Streaked with grey. She looks through her horn rimmed glasses at me and smile.

'And what would you like sweetie? Milkshake? Burger?' She wasn't flirting, just a kind woman. When she smiled creases formed on her forehead and under her eyes. Making her look tired. I glanced down at the menu and looked at the options. Burgers. Chips. Lasagne. Chicken. It all sounds so appetizing and I could eat any of it. Maybe be all of it. Though that would make the time at the pool and gym useless. I close my eyes and turn my finger in circles, before jabbing it into the menu. I open my eyes and read where my finger is.

'I'll have a chicken and salad wrap with a side of chips and a mocha please.' I order as the woman scribbles it down. I know its for breakfast but when I get back to Eden's I'm going to go for a run. The chicken will give me protein and I think the chips will have a starch in it. Potatoes have starch don't they. I guess hours of studding didn't pay off. The waitress wonders off into the back. Leaving me and Ralf alone. The sound of knifes and forks clinging against each other and people talking to each other filled the awkward silence growing between the two of us.

'Your really having a chicken wrap for breakfast?' Ralf asks. I nod in reply, then the silence engulfed us again. Only this time the awkwardness grew. Making me feel a little uncomfortable.

Ralf is looking me up and down, almost like he's inspecting me. Like he's going to be give me a score. Like he's going to give me approval. Maybe that's what he's doing. I'm interrupted by my phone buzzing. Perfect timing. I scoot out of the booth and outside, before sliding my finger over the screen. I place my phone to my ear.

'YOUR A COMPLETE IDIOT! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT! DO YOU HAVE PROBLEMS? WHO COMES BACK WITH 'WELL I DID TURN YOU DOWN FOR SEX!'' Beth yells down the phone. It's almost too loud and I have to remove the phone from my ear. 'YOU'VE BROKE HER HEART. YOU... YOU JERK! IF I WASN'T SIX MONTHS PREGNANT I WOULD FLIGH OVER THERE AN PERSONALLY KICK YOUR SORRY ASS!' She continues. I'm guessing she's pissed because I upset Eden. I guess it was kind of low saying that to her. I rush of guilt and and shame ran through. Sending a shiver down my back at how scary Beth can be. The more pregnant she gets the more scarier and violent she gets. Towards me anyway.

The amount of times she's yelled at me for mopping around the house or when I've spent seven hours at the gym and not eaten. I guess she's just looking after me and giving me the stern motherly care that I need.

I must admit I admire Beth for it. She keeps us all in line. Even when were 4437 miles away from each other. Give or take a few miles away. I guess the maths revision helped.

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