#59: Make it out alive.

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Chapter Fifty-Nine: "Make it out alive."

"Chae? Are you okay?" Jungkook asked, tightening his hold on Rosé's hand as he looked at her disturbed expression while they walked along the Han River at night.

"Yea yea" she dismissed, giving him a smile that did not reach her eyes.

Jungkook stopped walking, facing her. "What's wrong honey?"

"I don't really know Jungkook," she sighed. "Something doesn't feel right."

"What's it about?"

"That's exactly my question," she admitted. "I can't pinpoint what's bothering me."

"Chae, everything will be fine. Maybe you-"

"JUNGKOOK! LOOK OUT!" she shouted, shoving him out of the way.

Jungkook stumbled forward, steadying himself by grasping the railing. He turned back to see Rosé, her hand clasping the wrist of a man in a black mask.

He noticed a gleam under the moonlight. He squinted his eyes, trying to see well in the dark. There it was, a knife in his hand, its blade reflecting the moonlight into his eyes. Before he could process everything, he watched Rosé dodge the punch his threw in her direction, losing her grip on his other arm as a result.

The man stepped back, balancing his weight on his left foot, and threw his right fist out in a curved punch at her temple. Turning ninety degrees to the side, she brought her right forearm up to counter the blow, formed a fist with her left, and threw it at his outstretched jaw. She immediately took advantage of his unbalanced stance and swung her leg back, landing a strong kick on his shin, causing him to double over. She then sweep-kicked him by his legs, causing him to land on the ground, his back hitting the rough ground painfully.

"Jungkook, pass me your jacket" she said, holding the man's hands at his back to prevent him from getting up. Jungkook squatted next to her as scrambled to pass her his jacket and watched her tie his jacket around his wrists together, his jacket acting as a handcuff.

"My gosh, Chae are you okay? What were you thinking? How could you just throw yourself at him like that. What would have happened if something happened to you?" he rambled as the two of them stood up. He raked his eyes over her body, checking for any sign of injury.

"Jungkook I'm fine, I am a boxer with six years of training remember?" Rosé assured him. Boxing was actually a way to build up her strength as well as vent her anger and frustration.

"I know, but still." He hugged her, his eyes blurring with tears as the initial shock and concern faded and his mind registered what actually took place.

"Jungkook, we are okay" she whispered.

"Yes we are."

"I'm going to call up the police" she said breaking away. "Make sure he doesn't get away." Jungkook nodded, keeping an eye on the man on the ground and soon, the attacker was transferred to the police car while another officer took the statements of Rosé and Jungkook.


"Jungkook?" she called, glancing at him while keeping an eye on the road. "Are you okay?"

"Yea it's just... I mean these stuff don't surprise me. I've had death threats and I know that there are people who want to hurt me," he explained. "I just couldn't take it when he almost stabbed you because of me. I just don't want to lose you."

Rosé sighed. This was exactly what she wanted to avoid - for her to become his weakness. "I'm not going anywhere. He was just a sasaeng who didn't like us together, but don't worry too much and go to sleep after we reach."

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