#30: Madhouse.

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Chapter Thirty: "Madhouse."

"C'mon! I can't believe I lost again!" Jimin whined, watching Rosé knock his king down on the black and white checkered board with her queen.

"Well believe it, coz I'm undefeatable." Rosé boasted. It was their second game of chess and Rosé had won both times. The UN meet was over the day before and both BTS and Rosé were done with their work in New York. Hence they had decided to stay in New York for a few days and this gathered in Namjoon's room.

"You won again?" Jungkook asked, averting his attention from the show he was watching on his iPad, as he saw Jimin sliding down the floor in disappointment.

"Yep." Rosé said proudly, popping the 'p'.

"Yah Jimin-ah, you're disrupting my game!" Jin yelled while playing video games on the floor, as he felt Jimin's legs kick him accidentally.

However, Jimin was wallowing in his own fake misery, ignoring Jin's complaint. Rosé thought Jimin had not heard Jin but laughed when he kicked his hyung again, this time on purpose as she saw the mischievous smile forming on his lips as he heard Jin yell at him again.

A real Slytherin.

Namjoon was also sitting on the floor as he was the one playing against Jin. He shot Jimin a grateful smile as Jimin's kicking had distracted Jin and helped the leader take the lead.

Hobi and Taehyung were on the other couch, adjacent to the one Rosé and Jungkook were sitting on, and hanging upside down. They had made a bet to determine who washes the dishes later so the one who gives up first had to do it. Yoongi was on his phone, sitting beside an upside down Taehyung, unbothered by the chaos and engrossed in his phone.

"Damn it's madhouse in here." Rosé mused as she watched Jin scream at Jimin who was laughing so hard that he was losing breath, Namjoon yelling at the screen for some reason as he violently pressed the buttons to which Rosé just hoped he won't break the control, while Hobi and Taehyung was persuading each other to give up as the two were turning red due to all the blood rushing to their faces.

"Yeah but you'll get used to it soon enough." Jungkook said, pausing the show and giving her his attention. "Bored?"

"Not exactly. Watching them is like watching a real life comedy show." She replied, gesturing to the men in the room. Jungkook laughed before pinching the fabric of her shirt and pulling her towards him gently. He slowly pressed his lips to hers, taking her bottom lip into his.

"Yah! Get a room you two!" Yoongi yelled, causing them to break apart.

Jungkook looked at his girlfriend thoughtfully. "Shall we then?"

Yoongi's eyes widened and before he could say anything Jin yelled.


Rosé burst out laughing as she watched another round of chaos erupt. Hobi choked, turning even more red while Taehyung did an accidental backflip, his poor ass hitting the marble floor as he fell. Yoongi had squeezed himself in between the couple to separate them, linking his arms with both of them to make sure they won't get away from him.

Jin narrowed his eyes at them, making his fingers in a 'V', pointing it to his eyes and then in their direction. Namjoon had given them an incredulous look but realised Jin's distraction again and used that opportunity to his advantage. Jimin on the other hand was roaring with laughter, amused and proud of the maknae.

"I did not expect to hear that from you in my life..." Hobi stared wide eyed while Jungkook winked in his direction, but his face was slightly red, showing that his usual shyness wasn't completely gone.

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