#11 : I'm still a virgin!

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Chapter Eleven: "I'm still a virgin!"

ROSÉ AND JUNGKOOK WERE roaming around the night market hand in hand. The crowd has lessened considerably since it was late and the next day was a weekday. That was when a store caught Jungkook's eyes. The store banner had Rosé's picture on one side and Chanyeol's on the other.

His eyebrows furrowed as he stopped in front of the stall, a frown settling on his face. Rosé wanted to ask him something when a voice beside Jungkook spoke instead.

"Not very much of a power couple are they?" a young girl, about the age of eighteen, said as came to a halt beside Jungkook. Both of them looked at each other, none of them recognising her.

"I love their musical chemistry but I honestly would love to see Rosé with Jungkook. They would be the ultimate legendary couple in a kpop" she continued. Both the idols were a little stunned to hear that, their faces turning red.

"You guys are cute, I saw you in the headband store... Your hair reminds me of Rosé, unnie, but of course what would she be doing here in Busan" she spoke directly to Rosé herself. Before she could respond, the girl spoke again.

"Well, I got to go, enjoy your date" she smiled before hopping away, her long ponytail bouncing as she made her way to who they assumed to be her father.

"That was unexpected" Rosé said, laughing nervously.

"Yea it's too good to be true" he stated before withdrawing from the shop. Rosé was however, rooted to the ground. What did he mean?


"Jungkook careful," Rosé muttered as she supported him to the car. He had his arm around her shoulders as she supported him by the waist, helping him walk.

She had introduced him to her favourite combination of beer and kimchi. He initially made a face but then he was having an overdose of kimchi and beer instead of eating actual food. Rosé stopped after a few sips when she noticed him drink so much. Someone had to drive and Jungkook seemed like he was going pass out.

She successfully dropped him into the back seat, making him lie across. She fished out the car keys from his pocket on his jeans and settled in the driver's seat, starting the engine.


"Jungkook where's your keycard?" she asked, squatting down next to him.

They had reached the suites but she couldn't find the keycard in his pocket and had dropped him down a little less gracefully, unable to withstand his weight any longer.

"Keycard?" he looked confused as if the word made no sense.

"Yes keycard" she said slowly.

"I don't know!" he exclaimed like a kid, laughing at the end. Rosé facepalmed. He was a total baby when he was drunk.

"Wow, you have such pretty eyes" he murmured, his eyes shining with awe as he looked at her brown orbs when she leaned closer to him to check his pockets one last time.

"Thank you, now get up, I'll get you into my room" she said, not knowing an alternative method to come out of the situation. Of course she could call Taehyung, his roommate but she had already rung the door bell like five times. If he couldn't wake up to that, she doubted he would be able to wake up to his phone ringing.

Jungkook gasped dramatically at her statement and shouted rather loudly, "Nooooo! I won't go! I'm still a virgin! You better not make me-"

Rosé's eyes widened as she slapped her hand to his mouth. "Shut up Jungkook!" she pleaded before struggling to drag him into her suite despite his protests.

She huffed as she succeeded in making him lie on the bed. Great now where was she supposed to sleep? She looked over to the couch and decided to put it into good use. She glanced at Jungkook who was lying on the bed, his shoes and sweater still on him as his legs dangled on the floor.

"I can't believe this" she muttered to herself as she walked over to him. She stripped his socks and shoes off him, putting it neatly in the cabinet. She then slowly unzipped his sweater and placed it on the couch.

"Hey what are you doing" he asked defensively, hiding his body with his arms even though it was perfectly covered by his grey shirt.

"Gosh, come off of it! I'm not a rapist for heaven's sake!"

She never thought she would be in such a situation especially with Jungkook. She shook her head as she walked into her walk-in closet, changing into a tank top and a pair of shorts.

"BOO" he yelled when she stepped out, almost making her scream. He laughed like a lunatic at her reaction. Rosé rolled her eyes, walking over to him, passing him a glass of water. He took a sip and make a face.

"Ew" he said, omitting the glass on the table. Rosé sighed, pushing him back to lie down on the bed. She covered him with a duvet, a smile gracing her face as he grinned at her. Playful Jungkook was cute.

"Good night angel" he whispered.


"Yea you're an angel sent to me from heaven."

Rosé chuckled. If he was sober she would blushed like crazy but his drunk state made it funny. "Sure I am, now if you don't keep quiet and sleep, you'll see this angel transform into a devil" she threatened playfully.

He pretended to zip his mouth with his hand and threw away the imaginary key. She laughed before wishing him a good night and making her way to the couch. Taking care of drunk Jungkook was a tiresome task but the thought of another girl in her place made her irritated.

She shook her head, clearing her thoughts. Why was she thinking like this? Stop Chae she muttered to herself, closing her eyes, trying to sleep.

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