Chapter Twenty Three: February

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          On Valentine's Day, I stepped into the Great Hall and was hit with how disgustingly pink it was. Pink flower petals were falling from the ceiling and I surrendered to them landing in my hair. I sat with my friends and we were eating until a dwarf started playing on a harp behind me. When I turned around, multiple dwarves were dressed like cupids. I looked with dread at the dwarf behind me.

          "Ahem," he cleared his throat and began to sing a Valentine to me, "Oh, beautiful vampire with silver hair, I would follow you anywhere, your red eyes fill me with joy, I would love you forever as your boy. Friend. From an admirer."

          Susan, Hannah, and Ernie weren't jealous one bit and laughed at my embarrassment. Who would admire me? It clearly wasn't Draco who was thoroughly annoyed from his table since the whole hall heard this song. It wasn't Cedric and he was rather amused. The twins were also laughing in enjoyment. I couldn't find anyone who would've sent this to me in the Great Hall and I briskly left.

          As I left, I ran into Harry and his bag spilled out it's contents, "Oh! H-Harry! I'm so sorry! Are you-"

          I froze and saw the diary with Harry's things. His ink spilled all over it and it was the first thing he picked up. He was embarrassed but he was also running from a singing cupid dwarf. It was probably from Ginny.

          "You got one, too?" I asked and helped him up.

          "Yeah. Did you get mi-, I mean, you got one?" he asked, his face turning red.

          My face turned red and I pointed at the diary, "That diary, where did you get it?"

          "Myrtle flooded the bathroom a while ago when someone dumped this on her when she was in her stall," he explained casually.

          Before I could respond, Draco took my hand and pulled me away. I can't let Harry use the book! What was Draco doing now? I flinched when I felt his jealousy.

          "Draco?" I asked, out of breath at the top of the Astronomy Tower.

          "Why were you talking to Potter?" he asked directly.

          My chest throbbed and I whimpered, "I-I just ran into him."

          He saw the ink on me and he tried to relax, "I-I'm sorry. Are you ok?"

          I shook my head and my fangs started to grow. I haven't satiated my thirst for blood in so long. Draco tried to hug me but I gripped the chest of his shirt to hold him at arm's length from me. His neck.. I want it.

          I relaxed my arms and stepped closer to him. Without realizing it, I stood closely against him and I was centimeters close to biting into him. My hunger wanted to be satisfied. I want his blood. The blood I love. Love?

          I froze and realized I was about to bite into him. He sensed it and started to feel confused now that I stopped moving. I kissed his neck softly and ran downstairs. Not again! Not again! I ran into my common room and devoured two tins of tablets. My nose throbbed and bled a little but it wasn't as bad as it could've been. To take my mind off the incidents of today, I went through my papers until a crumpled one fell from the stack.

          I picked it up and Draco's scent was on it. That's right, he gave this to me. I looked at it and my heart dropped. Everything clicked. Draco might have torn this when we were in Flourish and Blotts and Mr. Malfoy could have slipped me the diary. The leather on it could have been hit when it was in Borgin and Burkes. I promised I wouldn't tell anyone about this. However, he didn't say I couldn't show anyone this either. 

Sophie Pendragon, Year Two | Half-Vampire At HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now