Chapter Seven: Ball

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          I took my dad's arm once we were outside the Burrow. It was already late and I was tired, but I knew tonight was very important for me to accompany my dad. For the first time, I apparated with him and the sensation was nauseating. I felt my body turn to rubber and I was compressed like I was swirling into a sink drain. My head felt like it was going to burst and I couldn't contain my scream. Then, all at once, I stumbled on my feet and stood outside a ballroom. I bent over and my ears popped. The faint music and muffled voices behind the grand doors were not helping. My stomach wanted to come up if it could. Dad rubbed my back and insisted that it gets easier with time. Mr. Weasley arrived shortly after and wasn't surprised at my condition.

          "You did very well for your first time, Starlight," Dad said soothingly, "I promise we won't disapparate back, alright?"

          I nodded and gulped hard, "Y-Yeah. Alright."

          After a few deep breaths, my vision finally focused and he knocked twice on the ballroom door. It opened and inside were many distinguished witches and wizards in formal attire. Although this was meant to be in our honor, dad and I felt the fear and unease of the guests. My eyes lowered and dad led the way inside. The first person to greet us was Minister Fudge.

          "Ah!" he said with a slightly forced smile, "May I announce the arrival of our dear guests? Master Howl Pendragon and his daughter, Sophie Pendragon! Let us congratulate their accomplishment and contributions to the Ministry of Magic. As your minister for magic, it is an honor to work with them!"

          I smiled politely but behind my eyes was a scowl. I'm nothing more than an experiment. The same goes for my dad's tablets. Even though the speech eased some discomfort, my dad knew the risk of coming. His blood affinity is for liars and this evening would be filled with lies. My dad pointed to the balcony and I excused myself. As I quickly shuffled to the open air, my ears were filled with whispers of criticism.

          "She's the daughter of Jenkins? Master Howl adopted her as his own?"

          "Wasn't there an incident at Hogwarts? Do the tablets affect her just the same?"

          "How can we be certain of her nature? There has never been a half-vampire before."

          "A half-vampire? Is it possible?"

          I grinded my fangs. Jenkins made me into a monster filled with hate. If it wasn't for Howl, who knows how I would've turned out? Well, Jenkins did do one thing that I was conflicted about. He introduced me to Draco. Draco. Would Draco be here tonight? I looked back through the blurry window panes and I could see my dad already struggling with his hunger. I will never understand adults. The professional formalities and false kindness were so shallow. If they didn't want us here then why do this for us? I sighed in frustration. I sat on a marble bench between two potted flowers that reminded me of the roses outside our home. I missed the home I shared with dad. I looked up at the stars and counted my blessings.

          After maybe an hour of sitting outside, a familiar voice surprised me, "Sophie?"

          I looked at the balcony door and saw Draco in formal robes, "Draco!"

          I stood up and dusted off my dress even though it wasn't dirty and he approached me, "What are you doing out here? How long have you been here?"

          I held my hands in front of me, "I don't care much for gossip in there. This is mostly for my dad, anyways. I've been here for a while. Why are you out here?"

          He offered his hand to me, "I have no business here. I'm simply here under my father's instruction. I didn't know you would be attending."

          I shyly gave him my hand, "Oh. I see."

          He kissed my hand, "You, um, you look lovely."

          I blushed and my heart throbbed, "Th-Thank you. You, uh, you look dashing."

          He smirked and I could tell he was blushing, "Dashing?"

          I took back my hand and spun around, "Shut up."

          He actually laughed and stood beside me, "I'm happy to see you, stupid vampire."

          I made a face at him and stood at the rail, "You're a truly stupid human. You're just teasing me."

          He scoffed and joined me, "I am not stupid. You like it when I tease you."

          "You're pathetic," I snorted.

          For a while, we talked and occasionally teased each other. It was nice seeing him outside of school and it was comforting to know that he isn't any different around me in other atmospheres. He was honest with me the whole time and unlike the adults, he didn't tell me a single lie. Our fingers soon intertwined and it felt warmer being around him. However, my dad knocked on the glass panes of the balcony door.

          "Sophie, who is this? A friend of yours?" he asked, full of suspicion.

         I gulped and pulled my hand from Draco's, "D-Dad! Um. Yes. Draco, this is my dad, Howl Pendragon. Dad, this is Draco Malfoy. I go to school with him. He's my age."

          Draco walked right up to my dad and actually put out his hand, "Master Pendragon, it is an honor to meet you. Sophie speaks highly of you at school."

          My dad eyed him up and down but shook his hand firmly, "Young Malfoy. Your father speaks highly of you. You can imagine my surprise when he said you were here."

          I rushed to my dad, "Dad, please don't be mean."

          He released Draco's hand and put his arm around my shoulders, "I have no intention of being mean, Starlight. I will make this clear to young Malfoy here. If you or your father's intentions with my daughter are malicious, I will not hesitate to end your bloodline."

          Before I could argue, Draco was incredibly offended and nearly shouted, "How dare you?! I would never hurt Sophie! I like her and-"

          He cut himself off and my dad and I were astonished. Draco and I began to blush and my dad forced a chuckle. I couldn't read his emotions at all and realized he was hiding them.

          He put his hand on Draco's shoulder, "I apologize. If you like my daughter, then I hope you are the reason why she is happier now. Thank you, young Malfoy. It is time for dinner. I advise you to also return to your father."

         My dad returned inside and I knew I only had a moment with Draco. Draco was a mixture of emotions but he was mostly embarrassed.

          I quickly pecked his cheek, "I like you too, Draco. Will you dance with me tonight?"

          He blushed and tried to act cool, "O-Of course I'll dance with you."

          I smiled and happily ran inside and found the table my dad and I were sitting at. We were also sitting with Mr. Weasley and a few other employees from different departments. After a few speeches, dad excused himself when it was time for dinner. The food appeared in the center of the table on a lazy susan. Under the white tablecloth, dad had given me a couple tablets from his tin. I knew he went outside to devour the rest. Slyly, I brought the tablets to my mouth when I went to wipe my face with a cloth napkin. The meal was naturally exquisite and we all made small talk when my dad returned. 

Sophie Pendragon, Year Two | Half-Vampire At HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now