Chapter Three: July

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          When we landed in front of the Burrow, Fred and George argued because the three of us were actually stuck in the back row. Percy was kind enough to offer his hand to me, despite Fred and George teasing him, and pulled me from my place between the twins. Calcifer remained near my feet as we stood beside the car while Mr. Weasley unloaded his car from our trunks. Behind me, I heard faint wings flapping and turned to see what that could be. It almost sounded like Hedwig but this flying creature approaching us almost sounded lost.

          "What is it, Sophie?" Ron asked behind me.

          "I think something is flying this way," I said and pointed in the direction of the noise, now colliding with leafy branches.

          "Oh," Percy groaned, "that would be Errol."

          "Errol?" I asked.

          "Incoming!" Fred and George joked.

          An ancient owl flew out of the treeline with many leaves stuck to it and a trail of leaves falling behind. It wasn't fully blind, but it wasn't flying very straight or evenly. In its beak was an envelope and attempted to land on the car. It missed the roof of the car and flew into Mr. Weasley as he closed the trunk of his car.

          "Bloody bird!" Mr. Weasley exclaimed and held the bird at arm's length from his chest in both hands.

          We all chuckled, except for Mrs. Weasley who was rushing to her husband, "Oh! What does he have?"

          She plucked the envelope from Errol's beak and read the back of it. After feeling concerned, she glanced at me and showed it to Mr. Weasley. He also looked at me and nodded.

          "It's for you, dear," Mrs. Weasley said as she handed the envelope to me.

          All eyes were on me as I took the envelope from her. The handwriting was my dad's and Calcifer sat in front of me with his tail swishing side to side. Mr. Weasley herded his children and wife into their home and carried my trunk in for me as I sat on the short rock wall that faced their house. Taking deep breaths, I opened the envelope and took out the letter inside.

"My Starlight,

          I hope this letter finds you well. On July 31st will be the ministry ball. I'm sorry we can not be together this summer. There has been an alarming amount of awakened vampires and vampire attacks. I have been investigating and I think you will be safe with the Weasley family. I have been developing better tablets, however there have been contaminated fake tablets in the black market. I will come see you that night. I love you, Starlight. Please be on your best behavior. Have Calcifer return with a response. I'm afraid Errol wasn't accustomed to long flights.

With all my love to the moon and back,


          I folded the letter and returned it in its envelope. More vampires? There was so much that I still don't know. It made me feel sick to my stomach to think that counterfeit tablets were being made, too. Mr. Weasley returned outside and was looking at the clouds with his hands in his pocket. I cleared my throat and he looked up nervously.

          "Any news, Miss Pendragon?" he asked.

          I shook my head and carried Calcifer, "No, sir. You can call me Sophie. My dad was just informing me about the ministry ball. Will you be attending?"

          "You may call me Mr. Weasley, Sophie. I will be, alone. I assume you'll be attending with Master Howl?" he said and let me inside.

          "I believe so. Thank you again for allowing me to stay with you. I'm sorry for the trouble," I said and stood in awe of their home.

Sophie Pendragon, Year Two | Half-Vampire At HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now