Chapter Eighteen: Control

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          It was finally Halloween and I was enjoying my time with my friends during the day. Eventually, Draco and I had time alone together in the astronomy tower. I was eating a caramel apple and we were talking about Quidditch and school. He seemed much more relaxed now and we were both enjoying each other's company. When we were done eating candy, we sat close next to each other against the wall. It was chilly and I held his hand.

          "Are you ashamed to be seen with me? We haven't spent much time together outside of class," I asked directly.

         He sighed, "I'm not, Sophie. Honest. I thought you would be embarrassed of me."

          I looked at him, "Draco! Why would I be embarrassed of you?"

          He made eye contact with me, "I'm a human, like everyone else. I do fancy you."

          For the first time, I kissed him purposely and pulled away quickly, "I fancy you too, stupid human."

          He was blushing but felt confident, "I'm not stupid! You're pathetic for liking a human, stupid vampire."

          I grinned and squeezed his hand, "You're pathetic for liking a vampire. We better go, Draco. I don't want to miss the main feast."

          He nodded and we both hugged before going our separate ways to our house table. It was still lively in the Great Hall for the feast, but I knew everyone would be unhappy to have to retire for the night. I left early and went to the common room. Admittedly, I was looking forward to this, too. I retrieved the diary from under my pillow and lazily laid on my stomach. I began to write in the diary but Tom had other plans tonight.

          'Fear not, princess. I'll tell you what to do and say. Take a deep breath and clear your mind,' he instructed.

          I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths while holding the diary open. I sat up and it felt like someone was holding me. My mind was fuzzy in a calming way. I put the diary in my robe pocket with my tablets. My feet moved on their own towards the girl's loo where Myrtle frequented. She flooded the bathroom again as the overflowing water flooded into the hallway. However, she wasn't here now. I stood a distance away from the sinks.

          "Open," I hissed in a language I did not understand.

          The sinks began to slide forward as the stone that rested on top of them levitated to the ceiling. The sink in front of me sank into one of the metal grates before the grate slid over it. It revealed a massive hole in the ground. I felt as if someone was in front of me and lifted my hand so that my palm faced the hole.

          "Awaken, old friend. The heir has returned," I hissed again.

          Deep in the ground, I heard scales against stone and a massive serpent slithered out of the hole. A hand lowered my chin to the ground and my eyes could only see the belly of a beast. This beast hungered for blood. Tom's voice whispered sweetly in my ear, telling me to not be afraid and praised me highly for being such a good girl.

          "We have unfinished business. Once you have found a single prey, return to your residence," I hissed.

          The serpent hissed in response and slithered low to the ground. The water sloshed beneath it and I obediently followed it. Not too far from the loo, we reached a corridor that was flooded and I picked up the stiff body of a cat. Hanging it on an unlit torch on the hallway wall, I levitated in the air. I pricked my finger on my lower canine fang deeply to draw blood. I barely felt it and began to write the words Tom whispered in my ear. It felt like he took my hand and brought me back down to the ground. The creature had already returned to the loo when Tom held my hand to lead me back. The slithering was faint now and I stood in the water that continued to flood the loo. Tom praised me further and how I was a pretty princess.

          Overjoyed, I hissed the last of the instructions he made for me, "Close."

          Once the sinks returned to their position, I was alone. Whipping around, the sound of water splashing at my feet startled me. Water? Myrtle flooded the bathroom again. How the bloody hell did I get here? Why was I here? I could have sworn I was on my bed. I ran my hand through my hair and winced. It felt like a strand of hair cut my finger. When I examined my finger, it was punctured. When did that happen? It's a deep puncture, too. I reached in my pocket and flinched again when my fingertips touched the diary. Pulling it out, my gut was in knots. Something wasn't right. I flipped through the blank book in vain. Hesitantly, I made a decision. I need to get rid of this. How though? The many footsteps of students approaching caught my attention. What time was it?

          I ran out of the loo and collided into Draco and his classmates in Slytherin, "Draco!"

          He looked at my hair and then the diary in my hand, "S-Sophie! I thought you went back early. Hey. Your hair.. That book!"

          "Hey!" I yelled as he took the book from my hand.

          He shoved it angrily into his pocket and held my hand, "Honestly, that book is all you pay attention to. Why is there blood in your-"

          We abruptly stopped walking with the crowd and Draco shoved everyone out of the way so that he and I were in the front of the group. My head was fuzzy and I had a bad feeling about this. In front of us were Harry, Ron, and Hermione. The scent of my own blood made my heart drop when I looked at the wall. Mrs. Norris was hanging from her tail but it was as if she was a statue. I couldn't feel anything from her. Oh my lords, was she dead? The scent of my blood was from the wall itself and I felt sick to my stomach when Draco read the message out loud.

          "Enemies of the heir beware?" he read and looked at Hermione, "You'll be next, mudbloods!"

          I glanced at him. This wasn't right. Muggle-borns. Attacks. Why was it in my blood? Did.. Did I..? I looked at my punctured finger and my vision was getting blurry. My other hand squeezed Draco's.

          He looked at me, "You're pale. Is it the blood?"

          I nodded and Draco shoved everyone out of the way with one arm while leading me with his hand still holding mine. For some reason, I can recall the experience feeling different but I can't seem to figure out why I knew that. Draco was leading me in a corridor but I shoved him into an empty classroom when we were alone and I pinned him against the door once it closed. My hands were on his shoulders and I was panting.

         "S-Sophie?" Draco asked, caught off guard.

          I was shaking and started to cry, "I-It was my blood. Draco, I wrote that message. I don't remember anything. P-Please, help me. That book, help me get rid of it. I beg you."

          Draco was shocked and wiped my tears, "That's why you're bleeding.. I promise I'll get rid of the book for you. You have my word."

          I hugged him tightly, still shaking, "Thank you, Draco. Thank you so much."

          He was getting warmer and hugged me around my back, "You're welcome, Sophie. I promise you don't have to be scared. I'll protect you. Just stay by my side, ok?"

          I nodded and we left the classroom. He walked me to my common room and kissed my hand good night. I didn't know how he was going to get rid of the book but I did trust him. He's really sweet when he wants to be. I was blushing and looked at my healing finger.

Sophie Pendragon, Year Two | Half-Vampire At HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now