Chapter Twenty: Justin

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          In Potions, I was still upset with Draco and chose him as my target to relieve the pain I still felt. When no one was looking, I tossed the firecracker in his cauldron and it caused a loud explosion. The attention was enough to allow Ron and Harry to get the last of the ingredients for the Polyjuice Potion. Although Professor Snape was suspicious that his best student had a rather odd potion reaction, he didn't notice anything else. Draco, on the other hand, wasn't as dense.

          "What was that for?" he whispered.

          "Now we're even," I said simply.

          He grunted and class was over. Before we could leave, Professor McGonagall came in with a form for students who were staying over Christmas break. Not only was Draco's name listed, so were Crabbe's, Goyle's, and Parkinson's. Perfect. To Draco's surprise, I signed the form and reminded myself to tell my dad later. It looked like Harry, Hermione, and Ron also signed.

          Later in the week, dad allowed me to stay over break because he was traveling for work but he promised a lovely gift to make up for it. We also had progress being made on the Polyjuice Potion. Harry, Hermione, Ron, and I also signed up for a new Dueling Club without knowing who was actually running it. It was set up over the following weekend and I was surprised to see many familiar faces here. I hope I don't duel Draco.

          Tables were lined in the center of the Great Hall and it was lined with a design of moon phases and stars cloth. I stood next to Justin and across from me was Draco. We were slowly patching things up between us. Hermione, Harry, and Ron joined Justin and I and we were disheartened to see our two teachers. It was Professor Snape and Professor Lockhart. The two wanted to teach us how to defend ourselves now that a student has been attacked.

         Professor Lockhart and Professor Snape demonstrated a proper duel with mannerisms and technique. On the mark, Professor Snape was faster and hit Professor Lockhart with a simple disarm spell. The impact sent the latter flying and landing on the end of the dueling strip. I laughed with the boys and the girls were worried for the charming professor. To my surprise, Professor Lockhart recovered and smoothly implied he let Professor Snape hit him.

          Then he called upon two volunteers, Harry and Ron, when Professor Snape suggested that we learn how to disarm only. Unfortunately, Ron's wand was still broken and Draco was called instead. Draco actually winked at me when he got on stage and I blushed. Everyone noticed. Harry looked frustrated and they confronted each other.

          "Scared, Pottah?" Draco sneered.

          "You wish," Harry snarled back.

          They walked to the end of the table and took their positions. Harry pointed his wand at Draco and his other arm was raised above his head. Draco had a similar position but his wand was in his hand that was held above his head. Before the full countdown, Draco moved into the offense.

          "Everte Statum!" Draco casted and brought his wand straight out as he extended his arm in Harry's direction.

          The spell caused Harry to fly back several feet and I sensed Harry's pain when he landed on his side. Draco's friends were laughing and Draco stood confidently. I glanced at Professor Snape who had a smirk on his face. Harry got up quickly and took his position again.

          "Rictusempra!" Harry casted and sent Draco flying back at Professor Snape's feet.

          Some students laughed at Draco when he landed on his rear. Professor Snape scoffed and picked up Draco by the back of his robes to pull him to his feet. He shoved Draco back in Harry's direction. Professor Lockhart yelled that this was to disarm only.

Sophie Pendragon, Year Two | Half-Vampire At HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now