Chapter Seventeen: Tom Marvolo Riddle

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          In the library, I looked at the handsome journal that was among my other belongings. I don't recall purposely buying this. The back read 'Tom Marvollo Riddle' and I flipped through the pages. It was a diary but it was blank. Even though it had an owner, it looked rather aged but unused. I never had a diary before but I suppose I could use this one. I set up my ink and quill and was about to write in it when a drop of ink fell onto the first page.

          "Oh, bother," I muttered to myself when it spread.

          I flinched as the book itself now felt curious and absorbed the ink. Turning the following pages, the ink was gone! This book, was it somehow alive like the books in the restricted section? Unable to contain my own curiosity I began to write in it.

          'Are you alive?' I scribbled.

          After a moment, my words vanished and neat calligraphy responded, 'I am. May I ask who this is?'

          I giggled at how polite the book was, 'My name is Sophie Pendragon. Are you Tom?'

          It responded, 'I am. Your name is Pendragon? By any chance, would you be related to the vampire monarchy?'

          I gasped and thoughts overflowed, 'I am. I'm the half vampire daughter of Jenkins Pendragon.'

          'It is a pleasure to meet you, princess,' he responded.

          I blushed profusely, 'Please don't call me princess. Were you a student at Hogwarts as well?'

          'As well? Princess, are you attending Hogwarts as we speak?' he asked, the book feeling surprised.

          'I am. This is my second year at Hogwarts. Were you really a student here?' I asked, still embarrassed.

          'I can show you, if you'd like, princess,' he said.

          I was confused for a moment until the seam of the book began to emit rays of light. I held on to the edges of the book and nearly screamed when I was sucked into the diary. Suddenly, I was falling and landed in the familiar courtyard at the base of the astronomy tower. A handsome student was reading a book at a bench under the tree. I stepped towards him and looked around. Colors seemed nonexistent here.

          "Tom?" I asked.

         "Tom! There you are! Come on, there's been another attack!" another student yelled and ran through me from behind towards Tom.

          An attack? Another one? This must be a memory.

          Tom looked up, alarmed, "Another muggle-born?"

          The student breathlessly nodded and they both ran towards and through me. Just as quickly as I was sucked into the diary, I was sent out of it. My head was spinning.

          'Forgive me, princess. I shouldn't have shared that memory with you,' he said apologetically.

          'Attacks on muggle-born students? Was the one responsible for the attacks caught?' I asked.

         'Yes. Forgive me for being so straightforward but I am out of sorts. I did not expect you to be quite cute,' he confessed.

         I felt myself turning red from head to toe, 'I'm flattered! Truly! Um, it's rather late but I would like to converse with you again tomorrow. Is that alright?'

          'Princess, as long as you keep my diary safe, I won't be going anywhere. Good night,' he said and I no longer felt anything from the diary.

          "I should keep this safe," I said to myself and packed up my belongings before heading to my common room.

          Every day in October, I poured a little more of myself into the diary. When I wasn't in class, I was writing in it. It began to annoy Draco that I would rather focus on the diary than him. However, it felt like it was more than that. He didn't like that I even had it to begin with and kept asking if he could see it or borrow it. Although none of my words remained on the page, I was worried Tom would reveal my secrets. The things I told Tom were things I only told Calcifer. Tom knew about my feelings for Draco and how I first met him. The reason why I could talk to Tom so easily is because he was accepting of all of me. As Halloween approached, I made sure to keep the diary on me at all times.

Sophie Pendragon, Year Two | Half-Vampire At HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now