Chapter Eleven: Diagon Alley

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          After breakfast, we all got dressed for Diagon Alley. Would Mrs. Weasley really tell my dad about our rescue mission? I gulped and tied my hair into two braids. Running back downstairs, Mr. Weasley gave me my satchel of coins. I quickly put it in my bag so that I didn't embarrass the rest of his family. Harry went into my room next since we hid his things there. Calcifer stretched and rubbed against my legs.

          "I'm sorry, Calcifer," I said and picked him up, "I can't bring you today. I would hate for you to be stepped on."

          "Meow," he said with a yawn.

          I laughed at him and sat him on the couch beside a self knitting needle set. It looked like it was making a sweater. He didn't seem interested in the yarn and curled into a fluffy orange ball. In no time, the rest of the family came down and gathered around the fireplace.

          "Have you travelled by Floo powder before?" I asked Harry.

          "Urm, no," he said nervously.

          "Ron, you go first," Mrs. Wesley decided.

          "Just take a handful of powder and stand in the fireplace. Then, just say where you want to go and drop the powder," I whispered to him as Ron performed what I was saying.

          "Diagon Alley!" Ron said clearly and dropped his handful of Floo powder.

          He was swallowed by green flames and he was gone. Harry looked nervous but went next.

          He stood for a moment but merged his words together, "Diagonally!"

          "Harry!" I cried out too late.

          He was taken in the green flames and was gone.

          "What did he say?" Mrs. Weasley asked anxiously.

          "Diagonally," Mr. Weasley said.

          "I'll go get him and meet you at Flourish and Botts!" I insisted and took a handful of powder.

          "Off you go, dear," Mrs. Weasley nodded.

          "Diagonally!" I said clearly.

          I was taken by the flames but was practically spat out of a dusty chimney. I was on my back on the filthy floor and sat up. Harry was standing in front of me. He helped me up and dusted each other off.

          "I, um, I did something wrong, didn't I?" he said, ashamed.

          I brought out my wand and pointed it at his glasses, "You didn't do anything wrong. Now, please stay still. Oculus reparo."

          In an instant, his glasses were cleaned. I learned that spell last year from Hermione.

          He took off his glasses and examined them, "I'll have to remember that one. Thanks, Sophie. Do you know where we are?"

          I glanced around and shuddered, "Y-Yeah. I think so. We're in Borgin and Burkes. This is a bad place, Harry. They sell dark artefacts. Everything Defense Against the Dark Arts class prepares us for."

          He grabbed my hand and we aimlessly wandered the store, "We should go-"

          A familiar scent startled me when the door's bell rang. It was Draco and his father, Mr. Malfoy. I tugged on Harry's hand and we stopped in front of a tall black cabinet. Frantically, we went inside to hide from Mr. Malfoy and Draco. We kept the door open a tiny crack and overheard the conversation. Mr. Malfoy was upset with raids the Ministry was conducting in search of dark artefacts. He was here to sell his own dark possessions. He also had some strong words against Mr. Weasley and my father. Mr. Burke, the store's owner, had something to say about my true father, Jenkins, but even with my hearing, I couldn't hear anything except his name. That was enough to upset me. At some point, Mr. Malfoy was defensive over one item in particular and I thought I heard something hit leather. Thankfully, they left the shop and I waited until Mr. Burke went upstairs to move.

Sophie Pendragon, Year Two | Half-Vampire At HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now