Stranger Danger!

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(This is based off a comic I believe is called, "Big Bro Whitty")
Riley's P.O.V.
After I was unexpectedly rescued from the snow 'incident' I came across the tall bomb man again...or shall I say Whitty! I also got to know a short young adult Carol who offered me to stay with her until this whole snow...thing ends. Even though I went to store and got groceries for the poor...I still want to be sure and see if their alright, I also wanted to see if my home was alright to. Carol was heavily against it because I could end up in the same situation I was in before being here, but I assured that I was gonna be fine and left before she could say everything else and began yelling out my name. I went to my house first to see it cover it snow; mainly on the inside. I then went to check on the poor people only to find out that there's a shelter for the poor, I was relieved and felt stupid, so I settled for just going for a walk. It took me an hour to find the right street, but not before I could move on I came across a tall creepy smelly...lemon...creature? We made eye contact before he crouched down to my level with a creep smile on his face, I would've ran away, but I didn't want to rude and judge him by his looks "Are you lost little...kid?" He asked, I was honestly terrified, but maybe he wants to help but I found my way back, right? "No thank you" I said. The grin on his face began bigger and leaned slightly more closer to me, it was freaking me out...what do I do? "HEY!!!" The lemon creature looked up behind on a nervous manner, I looked up without turning around to see Whitty towering over me with a furious expression on his face...I'd be terrified to which I sort of am "What The Heck Do You Think You're Doing Trying To Do Taking Advantage Of The Kid!!!?" Whitty demanded, the lemon creature doesn't respond because he was both nervous and scared. The lemon creature began backing up away from us then made a run for it, Whitty ran after him for a minute before coming back to my direction...he wasn't happy at all about it "You..." he growled as his tall body began towering over my tiny trembling body "WHERE THE HECK HAVE YOU BEEN!!!!!!??? I'VE BEEN SEARCHING FOR YOU FOR THE WHOLE DAY!!!!!! CAROL BEEN CRYING AND BEEN WORRIED SICK ABOUT YOU!!!!! DO YOU WANT TO HAVE A DEATH WISH KID!!!!? GRRRRRRRRRR YOU IDIOT!!!!!! I DON'T KNOW WHY CAROL DECIDED TO PUT UP WITH YOU!!!!! I DON'T KNOW WHY I DECIDED TO SAVE YOU!!!! I WISH I NEVER DID!!!!!! YOU-" he stopped himself from screaming even more as he began to notice tears rolling down my cheeks, my body trembling uncontrollably, and me failing to keep myself from whimpering and sniffling...eventually I couldn't hold it back and began sobbing and crying uncontrollably. Whitty was shocked and knew too late of his mistake, "Hey hey hey!! Don't cry...I...uh...I didn't mean it...please don't cry...I'm sorry!" Whitty apologized, this doesn't ease the hurt in my heart "I'm sorry for snapping at you...I guess I got angry at the wrong person...what you wasn't better, but that still wasn't an excuse for what I said and did, can you ever forgive me?" he asked nervously and sadly, I didn't say anything. Whitty sighed and got down to my level by crouching "I truly am sorry for snapping at you, it's just that when I got back to Carol's house I found her in a panic state as she began crying to me that you left the house. Carol been on the phone all day calling people after people to see if they had saw you, I've been searching for you the whole day from alley ways to shelters. I got frustrated with the whole thing along with the memory of Carol panicking and when I finally found you...I guess I just released all my anger on you...I'm sorry" Whitty explained, I never ment to worry anyone...I feel terrible...I'm sorry. Me and Whitty walked in silence until he suddenly picked me up and placed me on his shoulders, I never knew what it's like to this's pretty neat! I don't know if I was hearing things or not, but I think I heard Whitty chuckled.

The Blessing of a StrangerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon