The Greater Good

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Updike's P.O.V.
I captured a demon, but she and her blue haired boyfriend escaped. Grrrrr...I'll save her for sight and mission are on Whittmore. He's a threat to everyone and society that he must be put down for good. People might ask's for the greater good. While walking around stilling scouting for the bomb man, I see a tiny kid all by themself on a sidewalk eating a sandwich. I'm not a softie for these type of things, but the least I can do is make sure she's okay, safe, and that she has a home. I walk up to them "May I ask why you out here by yourself? We have had dangerous beings around this area more times than I can count" I said, they look up at me with no emotion...can't say I'm surprised...this kid knows not to talk to strangers or else they be talking to me right now. I get on one knee to see them face to face "If you're wondering who I am, I am Updike, leader of the group called, The Greater Good, we hunt down dangerous beings who are a threat to society and would kill a lot of people...have you come across something or someone that tried to hurt you?" I asked, they shook their head no in response "May I have your name?" I asked "Riley..." they answered. We sat in this spot for an hour until they got up and unexpectedly handed me a burrito "I gotta go...bye..." they said as they walking away, I grabbed their shoulder "If you ever come across deadly me" I stated before letting go. Riley...hmmm...better keep a close eye on them...or shall I say her!

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