Sultans of Swing

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While I traced the energy of the possible spirit on each property, I filled Dean in on what the street performer told me regarding the Axeman. Each house had the same energy pattern, meaning that whatever this is was there at some point.

"So this axe swinging maniac," Dean said, "You think this is our guy?"

"I don't see any other possible explanation," I said, "It's just a matter of if it was a spirit this entire time or he was actually a man that got away with murder, and died taking that anger and hatred with him, making him a vengeful spirit."

Normally I wouldn't leave out the idea of a woman being behind something like this, but judging by what this street performer told me, it seems like we were dealing with a masculine spirit.

"Well, I'll go chat with some of the locals, see if I can get more information on the current attacks. I'll drop you off at the motel so you and Sammy can find out more information on this axeman."

"Not up for reading, I see?"

"Miss an opportunity to talk to some locals? Yeah, no, I gotta see other people besides you and Sammy."

I rolled my eyes, knowing exactly what he meant by "locals." Well, if anything, I give Dean a lot of credit for being able to charm his way into getting information.

"Hey Dean," I said after a long pause, "Has Sam said anything about his visions or...whatever he has going on?"

Dean shook his head. "Hasn't said anything to me. Why, has he said something to you?"

"No. It's been...quiet lately on his end. I may ask him about it when we get back to the motel, but it seems like things have calmed down on that end."

"Well, isn't that a good thing? I thought Sammy was supposed to be blocking them off."

"He is, but I haven't taught him how to yet, which is why I'm a little concerned. I'm nervous that something's going to come out of nowhere and we're given this false sense of peace and quiet for the time being."

I could feel Dean's mood shift from laid back to a bit on the panicky side. "Yeah, those demons don't give up this easily. Once they got their sights set on something, they won't stop until they win."

I just hope my gut instinct on this was wrong and that nothing bad was going to happen, but knowing how relentless demons are, as Dean said, they will not give up until they win.

We got to the motel pretty quickly. Once Dean drove off, I headed into our room and was greated with a bunch of newspaper clippings and what appeared to be some books on the time period the Axeman murders started. The little table that came with the room couldn't even fit half the stuff Sam bought back, so a good chunk of it were on our bed.

"Bought back the entire section on the time period, I see?" I said.

Sam looked over at me and gave me a little smile. "There's so much on this. I wanted to make sure I didn't miss anything."

I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck from behind, resting my chin against his shoulder as I looked at the scattered papers he found.

"Well, one things for sure," Sam said, "We may have found our guy. The neighborhood where all the bodies were found? It's the same one where all the murders occured."

He pulled out a map that showed the areas where the victims were found during the Axeman's murders. "This neighborhood used to be full of Italian Immigrants and Italian-Americans. One theory is that this axeman was actually someone was some kind of murder for hire, like a hitman, and some of the people that were targeted had connections to the earlier Mafia."

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