Where Have They Gone

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August 15th, 1998

Another birthday has passed for Rosemarie. She is now officially considered a teenager at the age of 13. She went from a shy, timid 2 year old to a mature, feisty young teenager. Though she had the teen angst, her good heart was still there.

Deciding to skip out on a hunt and help John, Dean and her parents from the comfort of their motel room (and the library), Sam and Rose decided to get some fresh air. They found a lake in the local town park where they were staying at. Sam threw his last rock, attempting to skip it across the water. When that failed, he groaned and returned to the blanket where Rose was reading some teen magazine.

"Having a little trouble making them skip, I see?" she said.

He stuck his tongue out at her to which she just rolled her eyes. When he sat down, he noticed that the cover of the magazine had the Backstreet Boys, one of Rose's favorite modern music groups. "Dean's gonna tease you relentlessly when he finds that magazine," he joked.

"And he's gonna get smacked relentlessly jf he teases me," she said, "I guess I would also have to tell John about the various Playboy magazines Dean keeps well hidden...or his version of well hidden."

"Wait...you found them?? How??"

"Again, his version of well hidden is not exactly great. He also keeps them in the same spot whenever we move to a new town."

The both of them chuckled. Dean was rather bad at hiding his porn stash, and unfortunately that led to both Sam and Rose finding interesting magazines and VHS tapes throughout the motel. The two went quiet for a few minutes before Sam spoke up. "Hey, um...Rose...remember the...thing you told me a while back...."

"You're gonna have to be more specific, Winchester," she giggled.

"The thing where...you said you were scared to tell your parents..."

It then clicked to Rose on what he was talking about. Not too long ago, she expressed that she may be attracted to girls as well as boys. She didn't know who else to turn to, so she wounded up confiding this information with Sam. They usually tell each other their secrets and struggles that they felt they couldn't tell Dean or their parents, so this wasn't anything new that they did. However, she was really scared and confused about her attraction to both boys and girls as the world was cruel to people like her. "Oh," she said, "What...what about it?"

"Did you...manage to tell your parents yet?"

She shook her head. "Every time I think I'm ready, I chicken out. I know they may not see it as a big deal, but it just keeps crossing through my mind that they...may not be as open to it."

"I'm sure they will be open to it. I mean, you said that psychics and mediums are very open to the gay community."

Rose just nodded. "I know. I guess...remember the last town we went to and how cruel the kids were to the one gay classmate?"


"Well...I keep replaying those moments and...I guess that's what is holding me back."

Sam remembered that day. Rose was going to the local middle school while Sam went to the local high school. Because the schools were right across the street from each other, it wasn't uncommon for the middle schoolers and high schoolers to go to each property. However, this wasn't done in an innocent way, for there was a full on prank war between both schools. Rose would often go to the high school to escape the incoming craziness and visit Sam. He didn't mind at all. He would much rather hang out with her than the dickheads in the school.

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